Instagram Image Size Guide
  • author Written By Alexander Noah
  • comments 0 comment
  • calander Publish Date : August 26, 2022
  • clock2 10 min read

Instagram offers a wide range of features and functions to showcase photos and videos, and they’re all incredibly valuable for marketers, brands, businesses, influencers, and more.

With so many options on our camera roll these days, you have to be up-to-date on the technical aspect, too, otherwise your photos and videos may appear low quality and unappealing. To further enhance engagement, you can buy Instagram comments to create a more interactive and engaging presence, drawing more attention to your content.

Different Instagram content formats like Instagram image posts, Instagram Stories, Reels, IGTV videos, in-feed videos all have different potential image sizes, so paying attention to the best formatting for each of your photos can make or break you.

This is true of any social media platform.

Not sure where to start to figure out the best Instagram image size? You’re in the right place— we have everything you need right here in our Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet.

If you’re not familiar with image sizes and the technical jargon associated with it, fear not. We’ve got an easy, go-to guide to help you understand the sizes and even some visuals that will break it down for you.
Instagram post dimensions may seem confusing at first, but after reading, you’ll be as good as a pro!

You’ll be able to understand the best Instagram photo resolution so that you don’t have to worry about your images looking blurry. Yes— posting a photo on Instagram can lower the quality of the image!

At the end of our Instagram images size guide, we’ve included a handy visual reference that you can pin or save for later! That way, you’ll never be without the right Instagram size again! Let’s get started!

What are the Ideal Instagram Ratios?

Photos and videos on Instagram have different dimensions depending on two main factors:

  • The orientation of the photo
  • The format it’s being posted into

Below you will find a rundown of all of the different Instagram photo and video dimensions for best posting results.

Instagram Post Sizes: Photos

At the birth of Instagram in 2012, the only available aspect ratio was 1:1— a perfect square picture.

It was one of the trademarks of the platform, and users were limited to this size, no matter if they wanted to display a full landscape or full portrait photo to their followers. The only way to post a full-sized photo to Instagram was to use a third-party app to edit it into a square format.

Time consuming, and in some cases, a little tacky! After all, the border that was forced around the photo could really minimize your aesthetic.

Spoiler alert: you can now post non square images!

To the delight of Instagram users, the option to include full-sized portrait and landscape photos on Instagram was introduced in 2015. Instagram does listen to its user base, after all!

Now that we have different photo options on Instagram, let’s have a look at the Instagram images size guide for all three: square photos, portrait photos, and landscape photos.

Here’s how to ensure you upload images that look great every single time.

Instagram Square Photo Size

Ideal Photo Size: 1080 px by 1080px

A traditional square photo post has an aspect ratio of 1:1, which makes sense, considering all sides are the same size.

This is the easiest photo size to get right due to the auto-cropping function that many photo editing apps offer— even Instagram will do it for you when you go to upload a photo.

Not only that, you can shoot a square picture directly within the iOS camera, so iPhone users, take advantage!

With the sophistication of many cameras on mobile devices these days, there may be other cameras out there that also allow you to do the same, so have a look at your camera and see if you’re in luck.

You could even add a square frame directly within the IG app.

Instagram image size guide tip: your photo should be between 320px by 320px and 1080px by 1080px for optimal quality. 

Instagram Portrait Size

Ideal Photo Size: 1080 px by 1350px

Trying to upload a vertical photo on Instagram without cropping?

You can, with minimal effort!

Portrait photos are also pretty straightforward with most cameras these days; you’ll need to crop oversize vertical photos to fit the Instagram dimensions, but the standard portrait shot (vertical image) will fit without issue.

What size is an Instagram portrait? 

The ideal Instagram portrait photo aspect ratio is 4:5, with an ideal photo size of 1080px by 1350px. 

A larger photo, such as one with a 4:6 or 9:16 ratio (which is the size of a Snapchat photo, as well as Instagram Story), you’ll need to crop it down so that it can fit within the smaller 4:5 aspect ratio size.

Instagram image size guide tip: your photo should be no larger than 1080px by 1350px for best quality.

Instagram Horizontal Photo Size

Ideal Photo Size: 1090px by 1350px 

Instagram landscape photos are a bit trickier than the previous two simply because the perfect Instagram landscape photo aspect ratio is 1.91:1.

Using those dimensions, there will be no border on your photo when you post to Instagram. You’ll still be able to add horizontal photos to Instagram in landscape orientation with 16:9, and the app will add a border around the photo.

Instagram image sizes guide tip: make sure the height of your Instagram photo is at least 1080px (yes, if there’s one number to remember in this guide, it’s definitely 1080px!) 

How to Post Landscape Photos on Instagram

Even though it may seem a bit confusing with the numbers, in practice, it’s easier than ever to add a landscape photo to Instagram. Here’s how:

1. Open the Instagram app

2. Tap the Add Post button (at the top right, a square with a plus sign in the middle)

3. Select the photo or video you’d like to upload

4. Tap the Full-Size button (it looks like two corners) at the bottom left of the photo display. This button will automatically crop your photo into the landscape ratio for Instagram (the same trick works when posting a vertical imaqge as well).

5. Further adjust the cropping if needed by pinching the photo in (zoom out) and pinching the photo out (zoom in).

6. Tap Next to continue with your upload, add a caption and/or filter, etc.

It’s a good idea to use the same aspect ratio for your landscape photos when you upload them to Instagram. This way, you don’t have any sizing borders that trip up your followers as they scroll through.

Instagram image sizes guide reminder: make sure the height of your Instagram photo is at least 1080px (yes, if there’s one number to remember in this guide, it’s definitely 1080px!). The aspect ratio for landscape photos are 1080px by 608px. 

See our recap for Instagram photos in the next section before we head on over to Instagram video dimensions.

Key Takeaways for Instagram Photo Dimensions

Here’s a brief overview of what we’ve seen so far in our Instagram image sizes guide:

What is the Best Instagram Aspect Ratio?

There are three aspect ratios available for your Instagram posts (both photo and video posts).

The 1:1 aspect ratio was the original size ratio, and it’s still the default ratio for all Instagram posts. However, you can now use the Full-Size button to expand out to landscape and portrait photos.

The aspect ratio for a portrait image on Instagram is 4:5, and for landscape photos there is a 1.91:1 aspect ratio.

The best Instagram Image sizes for posts are:

  • 1080px by 1080px (square post)
  • 1080px by 1350px (portrait post)
  • 1080px by 608 px (landscape post)

Instagram Video Post Dimensions

Ideal Video Resolution: Square images and Carousel Posts 1080px by 1090px, Portrait 1090px by 1350px, Landscape 1080px by 608px 

The good thing about Instagram video posts dimensions is that they are the same as image dimensions, so you don’t have to memorize a whole different set of sizes when you’re looking to post video.

It’s vital to have the right dimensions to make for a smooth upload process and ensure your Instagram videos maintain their quality. 

This helps you to speed up your process and keep things moving, even when you’re out and about.

Best Resolution for Instagram Video

You’ll have the same options for uploading videos in terms of shape: square, portrait images, and landscape. The ideal dimensions are:

  • Square and Carousel: 1080px by 1080px 
  • Portrait: 1080px by 1350px 
  • Landscape: 1080px by 608px

Our Instagram images size guide does recommend similar aspect ratios as you’ll find with photos as well:

  • Square and Carousel video aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Portrait video (vertical format) aspect ratio: 4:5
  • Landscape videos aspect ratio: 16:9

Even though the true aspect ratio for Instagram landscape content is 1.91:1, it will take a lot more effort and editing to get your videos to fit this aspect ratio. The 16:9 ratio is easier to achieve, doesn’t cut corners on quality, and most IG users are used to viewing videos in this ratio anyway.

In addition to size, you’ll also need to keep in mind the criteria for Instagram videos, including frames, length, and file size:

  • 30 frames per second
  • 60 seconds in length
  • Maximum file size 4GB

If you surpass any of these requirements, your video won’t successfully upload. Make sure that you keep these important numbers clear in your mind when creating your video content.

Minimum and Maximum Instagram Video Resolution

Depending on the orientation you choose, our Instagram image size guide offers you the minimum resolutions as well as maximum resolutions for high-quality videos:

  • Square and carousel Instagram video minimum: 600 x 600, maximum 1080 x 1080 minimum
  • Portrait Instagram video minimum: 600 x 750, maximum 1080 x 1350 
  • Landscape Instagram video minimum: 600 x 315, maximum 1080 x 608

Instagram image sizes guide tip: it’s better to keep your videos towards the max resolution so that you have crystal clear content that is of the highest quality! 

Instagram Stories and Reels Dimensions

Instagram Stories Dimensions

Ideal Instagram Stories Size: 1080 x 1920 px

Instagram Stories has shot up to the most popular content format on the platform aside from in-feed posts, with 500 million users engaging with the feature every day! That’s half of Instagram’s total user base.

The best orientation for Instagram Stories is portrait, so although you can post videos and photos that are in landscape mode, they severely diminish the quality of your content’s overall appearance. They can’t be adjusted to fit better as you can do with Instagram in-feed posts.

You’ll be more likely to fill up the whole screen and capture attention from your followers and viewers when you use the 9:16 aspect ratio as opposed to the 1.9:1 aspect ratio.

The 9:16 ratio will completely fill the Instagram Stories screen, offering a better user experience and truly captivating your audience!

Instagram Reels Dimensions

Ideal Instagram Reels Size: 1080 x 1920 px

IG Reels, a relatively new feature on the platform, is also quickly rising to popularity. It’s a fun and captivating way to connect with your followers through short video content in your feed.

Instagram Reels use the same aspect ratio as Instagram stories (9:16), so once you’ve mastered it, you’ll be covered for both content formats.

IG image size guide tip: Instagram Reels also have an in-feed preview at the 4:5 portrait aspect ratio (cropped from both the top and bottom, centered). Your caption will appear in an overlay at the bottom corner of the video, so you should keep that in mind when shooting your video. Finally, you can upload reels of up to 30 seconds in length. Shooting in 1080 x 1920 px keeps reels looking on point.

IGTV Post Dimensions

Ideal Cover Photo Size for IGTV: 420 px by 654px 

Instagram TV, more commonly known as IGTV, was launched in 2018 and offered users the chance to upload longer videos to Instagram. This is why some people call IGTV “YouTube for Instagram.”

It first launched with a portrait-only mode, which was very challenging for its users, forcing them to shoot video content of sometimes up to an hour in length in a purely 9:16 horizontal ratio.

That all changed in May of 2019 when Instagram once again listened to its users and allowed landscape videos on the platforms.

That gives you more options when shooting IGTV content along with a few different dimensions to learn. Here are the best Instagram dimensions for IGTV:

  • Vertical IGTV videos minimum aspect ratio: 4:5 (portrait) to 9:16 (IG Stories)
  • Horizontal IGTV videos minimum aspect ratio: 5:4 to 16:9
  • The One-Minute Preview on IGTV, a clip of your video to preview in your IG feed, crops to the portrait aspect ratio of 4:5 (in-feed) and 1:1 aspect ratio (profile grid)
  • Your IGTV Cover Photo, which you can either choose from your video or upload, needs an aspect ratio of 1:1.55 with a resolution of 420px by 654px.

Whew! A bit to take in there for IGTV, but once you master it, you’ll be on your way to a diverse and high-quality content strategy.

BONUS: Instagram Profile Picture Sizing

Your profile picture isn’t displayed in your Instagram feed, but when people visit your page, you’ll definitely want to make sure it looks perfect.

After all, that’s the first impression you’ll make on someone!

Instagram Dimensions FAQ

To finish up our Instagram image sizes guide, we’re answering three of the most burning questions about Instagram sizes and dimensions. Peep them below.

Do Instagram Photos Have to Be Square?

Long story short: no, they don’t. When Instagram first launched, you did have to have square photos, though!

It was big news when Instagram changed up their model and allowed for uploading rectangular portrait and landscape photos without having to be cropped. The most important thing to ensure you have the best pics is that the photo is 1080px on the shorter side.

You’ll also have to stay within the aspect ratios (width-to-height ratio of a photo) as mentioned in the Instagram images sizes guide, or your photo will still need to be cropped.

Does Instagram Lower Image Quality?

If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Why are my photos blurry on Instagram?” you’re in the right spot. Instagram doesn’t lower your image quality, but if you feel that your images appear subpar, it could be due to the size of the image.

Uploading photos with a size larger than 1080px or one that exceeds the measurements, Instagram will have no choice but to compress the image in order to display it. Photo compression can cause image details to appear rough and out of focus, lowering the quality.

This is also the case if your photo is extremely small at only 320px by 320px. Instagram has to expand the image in this situation, making the image look fuzzy and blurry.

If you want to ensure you have the optimal photo quality for your IG posts, abide by the square photo size of 1080px by 1080px. This is the agreed upon Instagram sizes guide for in-feed posts.

Why is that? Well, the compressed version will be about 600px by 600px, appearing picture perfect on Instagram mobile app and desktop site with no negative impact to the look of your photo!

After trying everything and still finding a lower quality, you may want to upload from your desktop instead. The desktop application will preserve image quality much better than the mobile app does.

How Do You Fit a Full Picture on Instagram?

If you want to showcase a full portrait on Instagram without cropping it to a square, there’s a button for that! You can use the full-size button when uploading your image to adjust the portrait size to the maximum aspect ratio.

You can do the same thing if you want a full landscape portrait. Pushing the full-size button will allow you to post the complete photo without it being cropped down automatically.

To ensure you get the best resolution for your photo, keep your photo at 1080px by 1350px. Automatic compression won’t have an impact on your image, keeping everything perfectly crisp and clean for your viewers.

So, What is the Best Image Size for Instagram?

So, there you have it! With the addition of many different content formats on Instagram over time, we’ve gained the need to understand a few different image sizes and dimensions for posting pictures and optimal content creation.

Is there really a best Instagram image size?

Not necessarily, but for different types of photos and videos, there certainly is a best option. and that's what celebrities and models use to show their best photos on the internet. You can also check our guide the Top 50 Instagram Models to follow to learn what dimensions they use for better understanding. 

You should ensure that you’ve chosen the best one before you upload photos or videos. All the photos and vids you share on Instagram should be of the highest quality and the correct file size.

Here is a summary of the best image sizes along with a visual guide:

  • Instagram Photo Square: 1080px x 1080px
  • Instagram Photo Portrait: 1080px x 1350px
  • Instagram Photo Landscape: 1080px x 608px
  • Instagram Video Square: 600px x 600px
  • Instagram Video Portrait: 600px x 750px
  • Instagram Video Landscape: 600px x 315px
  • Instagram Video Carousel: 600px x 600px
  • Instagram Stories Photo: 1080 x 1920 px
  • IGTV Cover Photo: 420px x 654px

If you still feel a bit unsure of which image size is best for your content (Portrait? Landscape? Square? Oh my!), you can do some A/B testing to find out which style gets you the most engagement.

Vertical images have been incredibly popular on Instagram, and with all videos being transitioned to the reels format, you should be focusing on videos in that format as well. Please add that to your social media marketing tips!

In addition, you could use a mix of all of them, as they will all appear as a 1:1 square ratio into your Instagram profile grid. That means the user will be able to see it in all of its glory by clicking on the photo and viewing the post.

Not only that, when you’re great at resizing images and know all of the maximum Instagram resolution numbers, your Instagram feed will always look optimized. Higher resolution images are always the way to go when possible.

Don’t forget that all social media platforms may have different sizing guides. For example, Facebook cover photos have a different file size than any of the images/videos we would use on Instagram. It’s a good idea to check the sizing of cover photos or other social media content types (YouTube thumbnails, blog featured post, etc.) before posting. To increase the visibility of your new images further, you can consider our buy Instagram likes service for a dose of engagement. 

We hope you’ve gained some valuable insight from our Instagram image sizes guide. Which orientation do you prefer for your content? Which Instagram photo sizes are you going to try out? Drop us a line in the comments! Click if you want to buy instagram followers