Written By Sara Menendez
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Publish Date : April 09, 2024
Last Update : February 10, 2025
46 min read
61.4 % of the global populace uses social media. And the influence of social media is majorly drawn by impactful images and visuals. Hence, staying updated with platform requirements, including image sizes, new features, and algorithm updates, is more crucial than ever.
One of the things that gets the least attention when it comes to social media business marketing is the size of your images. However, if you use the incorrect dimensions, your post may appear stretched, hazy, and uninteresting.
To help you keep ahead of the curve, you'll find the latest Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet in this post! Let's begin.
Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet 2024
One major differentiation between all social media platforms that make each one stand out is the proportion and sizes of images and visuals.
Here are most of the social media picture sizes cheat sheets you most likely search for are included in the chart below:
Social Network
Cover Photo
Post Image
320x320 px
851x315 px
720, 980, 2048 px width
1280x720 px
1080x1080 px
320x320 px
1080x1080 px
1080x1920 px
1080x1080 px
Instagram Threads
400x400 px
1500x500 px
1600x900 px
1280x720 px
800x800 px
400x400 px
1584x396 px
1280x720 px
256x144 to
1080x1920 px
20x20 px
1080x1920 px
720x1280 px, 640X640 px, 1280X720 px
800x800 px
2048x1152 px
1280x720 px
1280x720 px
165x165 px
800x450 px
1000x1500 px
1000x1500 px
1080x1920 px
1080x1920 px
128x128 px
3000x1055 px
1280x1920 px
1280x1920 px
Let's move into the next segment to discuss each social media image size in detail to eliminate all your doubts.
Overview Of Image Sizes For All Social Media Platforms
Each network must have ideal visuals to make the abundance of social media picture sizes and formats easy to remember.
The following are the sizes of social media images that we will discuss:
Image Sizes for Facebook 2024
Facebook stands out among other social media platforms because it offers a variety of media formats, some of which require adequate asset design. The dimensions of Facebook posts and videos are as follows:
Size of Facebook Profile Photo
- 320 × 320 pixels is the recommended size for the profile photo on Facebook.
- On desktop, it appears at 176 × 176; on smart mobile phones, at 196 x 196; and on feature phones, at 36 x 36.
- Posts and timeline visuals should have a width of 720, 980, or 2048 pixels and a corresponding height of the same number of pixels.
Size of the Facebook Cover Photo
- 851 x 315 pixels is the suggested image size for Facebook cover photographs.
- On PCs, it has an 820 x 312 resolution; on smartphones, it has 640 x 360.
- Less than 100 KB should be the optimal file size for quicker loading.
- Uploading an sRBGB JPG file with an 851 x 315-pixel size will prevent compression.
Size of Facebook Stories and Stories Ad
- 1080 x 1920 pixels is the preferred image size for Facebook Stories, with a 9:16 aspect ratio. You should also leave 14% (or 250 px) of the text at the top and bottom blank, as your brand's profile picture will cover them.
- The recommended image size for the Messenger Stories advertising is 1080 x 1920 pixels with a 9:16 aspect ratio.
Size of Facebook Ads image
- For Facebook advertisements, an image with a minimum pixel size of 1080 x 1080 and a 1.91:1 to 1:1 aspect ratio is advised. It can handle ratios between 1:91:1 and 4:5.
- You will be restricted to a ratio of 1.91:1 if you launch an Offer ad, use stock photos, or include a link.
Quick Tip:
Videos and visuals make a greater impact. It is essential to fit the videos to the screen to ensure no cuts happen, follow the size and aspect ratio of 16:9 or 9:16 of 1080*1080 px res.
Image size for Instagram 2024
Instagram is known for its aesthetically appealing picture platform for users. Instagram is popular for its continuous growth and development, even though it started as a photo-sharing platform.
The craze for videos and reels has now become the measurement for success. The current image and video sizes on Instagram are as follows:
Size of Instagram Feed Photos
The following are the suggested picture sizes for Instagram Feed photos in various orientations:
- Landscape: 1080 by 566 pixels and 1.91:1 aspect ratio
- Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels and 1:1 aspect ratio
- Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels and 4:5 aspect ratio
If you submit one with a different ratio, the platform automatically resizes your image to meet a supported ratio.
Size of Instagram carousel photos
The following lists the suggested picture sizes for Instagram Carousel photos in various positions:
- Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels and 1.91:1 aspect ratio
- Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels and 1:1 aspect ratio
- Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels and 4:5 aspect ratio
Size of Instagram Stories
- Instagram image & stories size is 1080 x 1920 pixels with a 9:16 aspect ratio for images. It can help you better if you make an image that is 420 x 654 pixels for the cover photo.
- Reels, IGTV, and Story advertising all have the same ratio and proportion.
Size of Instagram Ads
For Instagram advertisements, the ideal image size is
- Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels
Size of Instagram Reels
The following are the minimal dimensions for various positions of Instagram reels:
- Square: 600 × 600 pixels
- Landscape: 600 x 315 pixels
- Portrait: 600 × 750 pixels
- It is recommended that Instagram video carousels have dimensions of 600 x 700 pixels.
- Videos on Instagram that last less than or up to ten minutes can have a maximum file size of 650MB. The maximum video file size is 3.6GB for up to 60 minutes. Aspect ratios for videos uploaded range from 1.91:1 to 9:16.
Quick Tip:
You should utilize square and vertical formats for both organic and sponsored posts on Facebook and Instagram. It makes the most of your post's space in the feeds because most users access these channels through their phones.
Image sizes for Twitter [X] 2024
The secret to getting your Tweets noticed in a crowded Twitter newsfeed is to use eye-catching photos. Opinions and text dominate this particular channel. It has, nevertheless, made it possible to include visual components.
Now, if you're looking to create a big impression on Twitter. It's crucial to know how to communicate both visually and through words. The current picture and video sizes on Twitter are as follows:
Size of a Twitter Profile Photo
- 400 by 400 pixels is the size at which a Twitter profile image appears. File sizes are limited to 2 MB.
Size of Twitter Header Image
- A 3:1 aspect ratio and 1500 x 500-pixel picture size are advised for Twitter Header photographs.
Size of Twitter In-stream Image
- With Twitter, 1600 x 900 pixels is the suggested picture size for single In-Stream photographs. Formats including GIF, JPG, and PNG are supported.
- In 2 In-Stream Photos, 1400 x 1600 pixels is the suggested size for each image.
- The left image in the 3 In-stream photos should have a resolution of 1400 × 1600 pixels, and the right image should have a resolution of 1400 x 800 pixels.
- In 4 In-Stream Photos, 400 x 200 pixels is the optimum size for each image.
Size of Twitter Image Live
- Twitter Live Picture Dimensions: 1280 x 720
Size of Twitter Image Ads
For Twitter advertisements, the ideal image size is:
- Tweets with a single or many images is 600 x 335 pixels
- Aspect ratios for the website card image are 800 x 418 pixels (1.91:1) and 800 × 800 pixels (1:1).
- Images for the app card are 800 x 800 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio) and 800 x 418 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio).
- The carousels have an aspect ratio 1:1 for 800 x 800 pixels and 1.91:1 for 800 x 418 pixels.
- 800 x 450 pixels for a 16:9 aspect ratio and 800 × 800 pixels for a 1:1 aspect ratio is used for video carousels.
- 800 x 418 pixels and 1.91:1 aspect ratio on the direct message card
- 800 × 418 pixels and 1.91:1 aspect ratio on the conversation card
Size of Twitter Video Ads
The suggested Twitter video advertisement sizes are:
- Landscape: 800 x 450 pixels
- Square: 800 x 800 pixels
The following lists the five different kinds of Twitter video advertisements:
- Independent video advertisements
- The size of the video is 1200x1200 pixels for a 1:1 aspect ratio. Using 1920 x 1080 pixels for a 16:9 aspect ratio is advised. More extensive videos will perform better when people click to enlarge them.
- Website buttons in video ads
- For a 16:9 aspect ratio, a video size of 800x450 pixels is advised. It is advised to use 800x800 pixels for a 1:1 aspect ratio.
- App buttons appear in video advertisements.
- For a 16:9 aspect ratio, a video size of 800x450 pixels is advised. It is advised to use 800x800 pixels for a 1:1 aspect ratio.
- Video advertisements, including buttons for dialogue
- For a 16:9 aspect ratio, a video size of 800x450 pixels is advised.
- Poll-filled video advertisements
- The suggested video size for a 16:9 aspect ratio is 800x450 pixels. For a 1:1 aspect ratio, 800x800 pixels are advised.
Size of Twitter Cards
The sizes for the four different kinds of Twitter cards are as follows:
- Summary Card: 2:1 aspect ratio, 300 x 157 pixels
- Card summary with a huge image: 300 x 157 pixels at minimum, 4096 x 4096 pixels at maximum, with a 2:1 aspect ratio
- App Card Dimensions: 800 × 800
- Player Card: The iFrame's width and height in pixels, as described in Twitter: player
Size of Twitter Amplify
- Amplify Sponsorships and Twitter Amplify Pre-Roll videos should both have a resolution of 1200 pixels. MP4 and MOV files are supported, with a 1GB file size limit.
Quick Tip:
Rich content infographics that are simple to read can be a helpful visual strategy for businesses looking to boost interaction on Twitter.
Image sizes for LinkedIn 2024
LinkedIn profiles may be a handy tool for people and brands. It all comes down to developing deep relationships and advancing one's profession.
LinkedIn has seen an increase in the importance of visual storytelling in recent years. Hence, the correct measures of visuals and videos are essential.
The current picture and video sizes on LinkedIn are as follows:
Size of LinkedIn Profile Photo
- LinkedIn allows images up to 7680 x 4320 pixels, while 400 x 400 pixels is the preferred image size for a profile photo. Eight megabytes is the maximum file size.
Size of the LinkedIn Cover Photo
- The ideal image size for LinkedIn Profile Cover Photos is 1584 x 396 pixels with a 4:1 aspect ratio.
- Examine your profile on desktop and mobile devices before deciding on your cover photo because LinkedIn cover photographs are cropped differently on each platform.
Size of LinkedIn Company Page Image
- Size of logo image: 400 by 400 pixels
- Image size for the page cover: 1128 x 191 pixels
- Primary image size for the Life tab: 1128 x 376 pixels
- Custom modules for the Life tab pixels in the image: 502 x 282
- The Life Tab Company Photos image size: 900 by 600 pixels
- Square logo dimensions: minimum 60 by 60 pixels
Size of LinkedIn Videos
- 4096 x 2304 pixels to 256 x 144 pixels are the suggested sizes for a video on a LinkedIn profile. A file should be no less than 75 KB, with a maximum size of 5GB allowed.
Size of LinkedIn Article Image
- The suggested picture size for the LinkedIn image in articles is 1280 x 720 pixels.
Size of LinkedIn Stories
- A 9:16 aspect ratio and 1080 x 1920 pixels are the ideal image sizes for LinkedIn articles. PNG and JPG are the supported file formats.
Size of LinkedIn Blog Post
- Image Size Recommendation for LinkedIn Blog Post Links is 1200 x 627 Pixels
Size of LinkedIn Ads Image
- Picture Dimensions for LinkedIn Ads: 1080 x 1920
The following are the suggested image sizes for LinkedIn ads:
1. The ad size for the company logo: 100 × 100 pixels
2. Logo size for Spotlight ads: 100 x 100 pixels
3. Size of LinkedIn video ads:
- With a minimum of 360 x 450 pixels and a maximum of 1536 x 1920 pixels at a vertical 4:5 aspect ratio;
- At least 360 x 640 pixels and up to 1080 x 1920 pixels with a vertical aspect ratio of 9:16;
- At least 360 × 360 pixels and up to 1920 x 1920 pixels with a square aspect ratio of 1:1;
- Minimum 640 x 360 pixels in a landscape; maximum 1920 x 1080 pixels with a 16:9 aspect ratio
4. LinkedIn single-image ads should have a minimum size of 640 x 360 pixels, a maximum size of 7680 x 4320 pixels, and an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.
5. Image dimensions for event ads: Aspect ratios of 4:1 are preferred, and the image will be extracted from the Event page.
6. Size of images for sponsored content: 1200 x 627 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio)
7. Size of the carousel images for sponsored content: 1080 × 1080 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio)
Quick Tip:
On LinkedIn, try to use clear, high-resolution photos. If one of your objectives is to attract new employees, highlight these attributes in your real estate photos and films.
Image sizes for TikTok 2024
Understanding the appropriate image sizes for TikTok to connect with the audience is critical. The most significant obstacle for anyone wishing to create a TikTok video is displaying their content as effectively as possible.
They frequently inquire about the ideal dimensions for their TikTok video so their viewers can view it well and load fast. Below is the detail of all your queries related to LinkedIn image size.
Size of TikTok Profile Photo
- Dimensions of TikTok Profile Photo: 20 x 20 Pixels
Size of TikTok Videos
- 1080 x 1920 pixels is the recommended size for TikTok videos, and the entire canvas must be used.
- In your TikTok video, the margin from top and bottom and left and right should be 150 and 64 pixels, respectively. A 9:16 aspect ratio is supported on TikTok. Both.mp4 and.mov file formats are required.
- You can post videos up to 72 MB to TikTok if you submit them from an Android handset. Up to 287.6 MB of videos can be uploaded if they are from iOS devices.
- TikTok increased the allotted time for videos from three minutes to ten. Videos on TikTok can also include captions.
Size of TikTok Video Ads
The recommended video sizes are:
- Landscape: 1280 x 720 pixels
- Square: 640 x 640 pixels
- Portrait: 720 x 1280 pixels
Quick Tip:
Brands can target younger audiences through TikTok Influencers even if they don't have a presence on the site themselves. These Influencers are familiar with TikTok's features. They can assist you in producing material based on current trends.
Image Sizes for YouTube 2024
YouTube only hosts video content, while other social media sites offer many image and video possibilities. The fact that YouTube is a platform for video content includes other formats and sizes for these videos.
Marketers must adhere to video standards to perform successfully and distinguish from the competition on YouTube. The most recent image and video sizes on YouTube are as follows:
Size of YouTube Profile Photo
- An 800 × 800-pixel photo is ideal for a YouTube profile photo. Make sure your photo's focus is centered for optimal effects.
Size of YouTube Banner
- A 16:9 aspect ratio image with dimensions of 2048 x 1152 is suggested for the YouTube banner. File sizes can be at most 6 MB.
Size of YouTube Video Thumbnail
- For the YouTube video thumbnail, a 16:9 aspect ratio image with a size of 1280 x 720 pixels is advised.
Size of YouTube Video
- As with the thumbnail, the ideal picture size for a YouTube video post is 1280 × 720 pixels with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
Size of YouTube Ads
- The size of the YouTube video is 1280 x 720 pixels at 720p.
Size of YouTube Shorts
- A 1080 x 1920-pixel video with a 9:16 aspect ratio is the suggested size for YouTube Shorts. 1080 x 1080 pixels is also the optimal size for videos you want to upload if they are square.
Quick Tip:
It takes more than just uploading content to make videos on YouTube. You must make your videos visually appealing to compete and gain those crucial clicks.
You'll need to make compelling thumbnails and attention-grabbing titles for that.
Image Sizes for Pinterest 2024
The focus of Pinterest is images. According to its description, it's a "visual discovery engine" that makes it simple for users to locate inspiring recipes, how-tos, and home décor ideas.
Pins can be liked and saved into specific, customized boards by Pinterest users who find them. As a result, they can graphically arrange their ideas and inspiration.
A brand attempting to engage consumers must pay close attention to how pins are created and presented on the platform. The visual sizes on Pinterest are as follows.
Size of Pinterest Profile Photo
- A Pinterest profile photo should have a resolution of 165 x 165 pixels.
Size of Pinterest Pins
- It is advised to use an image size of 1000 x 1000 pixels for square pins and 1000 x 1500 pixels for portrait pins.
Size of the Pinterest Cover Photo
- A picture with an 800 x 450 resolution is the ideal size for a Pinterest profile cover photo.
Size of Pinterest Story Pins
- A picture with an aspect ratio of 9:16, measuring 1080 x 1920 pixels, is the ideal size for Pinterest Story Pins. The file can only be 20 MB in maximum size.
Size of Pinterest Board Cover
- The image of the Pinterest board cover is 222x150 pixels.
Size of Pinterest Ad Image
For Pinterest advertisements, the following image sizes are advised:
- App install advertisements: 2:3 aspect ratio, 1000 x 1500 pixels
- Shopping advertisements: The suggested aspect ratio is 2:3; pixels: 1000 x 1500
- Carousel advertisements and pins: aspect ratios of 1:1 or 2:3 for 1000 x 1500 pixels or 1000 × 1000 pixels
- A carousel can have up to five photographs added to it.
Quick Tip:
When thinking about photographs for Pinterest, remember that the platform is made to accommodate portrait photos rather than landscape ones.
Image Sizes for Snapchat 2024
The first social media platform to make "stories" famous was Snapchat. The chat app is still top-rated.
Given that Snapchat views itself as a camera company, there are countless ways for content providers to create visual content for this platform to increase their audience reach. Below are the sizes of images and videos on Snapchat:
Size of Snapchat Image [geofilter]
The picture size for Snapchat Geofilter is 1080 x 1920 pixels.
- 9:16 is the aspect ratio.
- JPG or PNG files are supported.
- 5 MB is the maximum file size.
Size of Snapchat Ads
The pixel size of the Snapchat Ads Image is 1080 x 1920
- 9:16 is the aspect ratio.
- JPG or PNG files are supported.
- 5 MB is the maximum file size.
Quick Tip:
You can utilize their varieties of filters to create unique posts. It will help you enhance your content and reach.
Image Sizes for Google Business Page 2024
Google Business Profile is a natural tool for managing an organization's or business's web presence through Google.
You can communicate with clients, provide updates, list your goods and services, take online orders, and do much more with your business profile. The following is the recommended image format size for this page:
Size of Google Business Profile Logo
- You should utilize a square image with a resolution of 720 x 720 pixels for your Google Business Profile logo. Saving your logo in a PNG file format will ensure high quality.
- This file type ensures the picture keeps its sharpness and clarity when uploaded. Furthermore, 5MB is the maximum file size.
Size of Google Business Profile Cover Photo
- A cover photo that embodies your company brand the best would be great. Upon adding this to your business profile, ensure the cover photo has a 1024 x 576 pixels resolution for optimal effects.
Size of Google Business Profile Post Image
- It is advised to have a profile photo with a size of 720 x 720 pixels. Nonetheless, a minimum resolution of 250 × 250 pixels is required.
Size of Google Business Video Post
- It is advised to have a size of at least 720p and 1280 x 720 pixels or greater for clear and high-quality visuals. A maximum of 30 seconds should be the duration of your videos and the maximum file size is 75MB.
Quick Tip:
Reduce the size of your photographs to speed up page loading. To ensure your photos display correctly, check your Google Business profile on various platforms, such as desktops, smartphones, and tablets.
Now that you have all the detailed information about the image size of all the major platforms let's learn why knowing these dimensions is crucial for social media.
Image Size Matters - An Essential Element of Social Media
You put a lot of work into making the most visually appealing posts on your social media platforms. However, if you still need to adjust your post sizes according to the platforms. It may be visible 3/4 of the post, ruining all efforts.
So, delve into the primary benefits of using the correct image size with the below pointers:
1. Appealing graphics
The perfect size image offers appealing graphics to your social media page. That will appeal more to your account, automatically boosting your visibility among the target audience.
2. Correct space for content
It's probably better to publish the "perfect graphic" to Instagram rather than YouTube to see whether it looks better there. The reason for this is platform-specific differences in social media image sizes.
3. Good for paid campaigns
Paid campaigns aim to attract more viewers to your page. It can widen your reach as many people view it. That is why the correct ad image size is essential for any campaign that can make or break you.
Wrapping Up
An attention-grabbing image is among the most fantastic techniques to capture someone's interest on social media. Follow this blog to learn the precise dimensions of social media posts on various networks and the rules surrounding them. It is a must to use social media marketing to achieve results.
Along with the content, visuals make your brands sell, and your image sizes play an important role in fitting the screen. The proper ratio can make your image stand out and give justice to the work produced.
#1. Which is the best aspect ratio for all social media platforms?
For social media posts, the ideal aspect ratio for photographs is:
- Feed posts - 1:1
- Stories - 4:5
- Videos- 16:9
#2. For Facebook posts, is 1920*1080 px a good ratio?
Yes, choosing 1920 x 1080 for Facebook postings is a terrific idea! Facebook maintains quality by downsizing 1920x1080 photos for the best possible display.
#3. For Instagram posts, is 1920*1080 px a good ratio?
There are better places to use than Instagram to use 1920x1080. Instagram's feed tends to crop photographs of landscapes. Thus, for portrait mode, use 1080x1350, and for landscape mode, 1080x566.
#4. What is the reel size for Instagram?
The recommended dimensions for all Instagram Reels are:
- 1080 x 1920 pixels
- 9:16 aspect ratio
#5. Which image size is considered too big for Instagram?
Pictures larger than 2048 pixels in width or height may not upload or be severely compressed on Instagram.
#6. What is the by far best image size for all social media networks?
The best-suggested picture sizes for all social media networks are:
- Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels, aspect ratio of 4:5
- Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels, aspect ratio 1.91:1
- Square: 1080 × 1080 pixels, an aspect ratio of 1:1
#7. What is Instagram's ratio, 16:9 or 4:3?
It supported aspect ratios ranging from 4:5 to 1.91:1. Consequently, the 4:3 aspect ratio would be ideal if you posted to your feed.
However, Instagram Stories and Reels have a natural ratio of 9:16; therefore, you should utilize the 16:9 ratio with a 180-degree rotation when uploading to these.
#8. What is the size of LinkedIn posts?
The size of LinkedIn link posts is 1200 x 628 pixels. However, the size of the LinkedIn post image is 1200 x 1200 px (square) and 1080 x 1350 px (portrait).
#9. What is the size of the Tumblr profile photo?
Tumblr is a blogging platform on social media. It is known for its informative graphics. The suggested image size for a Tumblr profile photo is 128 × 128 pixels.