Why Are You Losing Followers on Instagram and How to Fix it
  • author Written By Daniel
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  • calander Publish Date : May 13, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 11 min read

Isn’t it quite disheartening to see your followers are unfollowing you? Everyone can feel the pain of those who must have encountered this situation. To be honest, at a certain point, everyone loses followers.

If this is bothering you, understanding the potential reasons behind it is crucial. This comprehensive guide explores the common causes of losing Instagram followers and offers actionable steps to address the problem.

By implementing effective social media growth services and strategies, you can regain your follower base and foster a more engaged community.

Key Takeaway—People often wonder what went wrong when they consistently lose followers on Instagram. If you want to know why you are losing followers, read the guide. Learn how to boost your follower count organically.

Why Are You Losing Followers On Instagram

Losing a substantial number of followers can make you frustrated and panicked simultaneously, right? But don’t you worry!

Here, we will discuss the reasons in detail why you are experiencing a massive daily loss in your follower count and how you can work on a fix. So, let’s begin!

#1. Posting Inconsistently

The common reason behind losing followers is inconsistent posting. When you post rarely, the Instagram algorithm won’t work in your favor and stops showing your content to your followers.

As a result, your followers lose interest. According to a survey, 40% of online marketers think that irregular posting can be a reason why brands lose followers.

How to Fix It?

To have a substantial number of Instagram followers, you must post consistently, if not regularly. 

Maintain a proper posting schedule to keep your audience informed and engaged. This steady flow of content will motivate your followers to stay connected with you.

#2. A Misleading Bio

A misleading bio can significantly contribute to a decrease in your following count. Your profile bio showcases what you are and what content you post.

So, if you write an unclear and misleading bio, your followers won’t stick around. They feel deceived and unfollow you since they cannot resonate with your content.

How to Fix It?

Since your profile bio represents what you are and what your account is all about, you should keep it interesting and genuine. 

Also, remember that your bio is the first thing that people notice. So, keeping it real is also very important to avoid misleading your followers and create a great impression.

#3. Not Participating in Trends

Participating in trends is essential to maintaining an active presence on Instagram. So, if you avoid engaging in trending topics, chances are high that you will disconnect with your followers or community.

As a result, people may unfollow you and follow others who take advantage of the ongoing trends and post according to that.

How to Fix It?

Following Instagram trends is important since it increases your visibility on Instagram. 

With this visibility, you can reach more people, who can then discover your account and start following you.

#4. Being Too Promotional

Sharing brand collaborations, offers, and promotions is excellent occasionally. But, oversharing promotional content may result in losing Instagram followers.

Using too promotional content can work like an immediate turn-off and people may perceive your account as overly commercial.

How to Fix It?

Try to balance engaging content with promotions. Concentrate more on organic content and make your posts less promotional. 

It will make your content diverse and will not drive your followers away. In fact, they will remain connected to your profile. 

#5. Disorganized Instagram Profile

The design of your Instagram profile can also hurt your follower count. When your profile is disorganized, people find it hard to engage with your content and find relevant content.

This reduces the overall engagement rate, and ultimately, people start to unfollow you on Instagram.

How to Fix It?

Focus on your Instagram profile design to attract more followers to your account. Keep the design simple and make your feed clutter-free. Use the content calendar and IG feed planners to keep your profile organized.

When people notice that you maintain a beautifully designed profile, they will surely follow you for future content.

#6. Not Posting High-Quality Content

Posting low or poor-quality content can significantly lower your follower count. It is because people only stick to your account when you post high quality engaging content.

So, if your Instagram posts lack originality and creativity and fail to meet your audience’s expectations, you may lose followers over time. 

How to Fix It?

The content you share on Instagram matters a lot and also impacts your following count. 

Therefore, you must create highly engaging and top-quality content to grab people’s attention and encourage them to follow you.

#7. Shadowbanning Can Be the Reason

Shadowbanning is common on social media, where your posts’ visibility decreases, and users are unaware of this.

Therefore, many Instagram users have experienced a sudden follower drop because of shadowbanning.

How to Fix It?

You can avoid shadowbanning by following various rules, including adhering to copyright guidelines. Also, never engage in spammy behavior, as it can grab the platform’s attention.

Do not use sounds and music you are not sure are copyright-free. Ensure that your posted content is high-quality and never violates any terms and conditions of Instagram. 

#8. You Run a Fake Instagram Account

If you have a fake Instagram account, the Instagram algorithm may suspect your activity. As a result, Instagram may delete your account and prevent you from getting followers. 

Even if you post great content through that fake account, the platform will still outright remove your account.

How to Fix It?

Running a genuine account on Instagram is crucial. It will help you gain followers and get your account a high rank.

However, in addition to having a real account, you should ensure that you post high-quality content consistently. This will make your profile active and your posts shareable. 

#9. Wrong Hashtag Strategy

You must be well aware of the fact that not every hashtag is suitable for your posts. 

So, you must use your hashtags strategically to increase your posts’ visibility and gain followers. If you get it wrong, you may lose your followers.

How to Fix It?

Using hashtags can double your engagement on Instagram. According to a survey, a post with at least 11 hashtags may offer your post a 79% higher engagement rate. 

So, use relevant, trendy, and niche-related hashtags to gain more engagement. This also helps your existing followers find content that interests them easily, which helps you retain followers for the long term. 

#10. You Do Not Interact with Audience

Posting high-quality regularly is not enough if you do not stay personally connected with your audience.

If your posting seems dull without any personal touch, people won’t feel the connection to engage with your profile and eventually unfollow you.

How to Fix It?

Start interacting with your followers by replying to their comments. You can also communicate with them through DMs.

Run giveaways to drive people’s attention to your account. Also, ask your followers to comment more to learn more about them. 

Tips To Gain More Followers On Instagram

A sudden drop in your vast following can be really scary. But, if you work hard and smartly follow effective tactics, you can regain your lost follower count.

All the tips below will help you gain more visibility on the platform and add variety to your content, which will in turn help you gain more followers. 

#1. Write Compelling Captions

well-written caption can increase your chances of growing and gaining followers on Instagram. A catchy caption can grab your audience’s attention immediately. 

As a result, it makes them explore your other content as well. If they like them, they will follow you.

#2. Post More Reels and Make Stories

The Instagram stories and reels can give you increased visibility as well. Instagram reels, the short video content, give your profile more exposure.

As a result, it helps people learn about your Instagram account, which can help you gain more followers. 

#3. Cross-Promote Content

Cross-promoting can also help you gain more followers on Instagram. It will help you catch users’ attention from other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc. 

Cross-promoting makes it easy for them to find you on Instagram and follow you if the content interests them.

#4. Collaborate with Others

You may collaborate with other content creators, influencers, brands, etc., to improve your discoverability. 

It amplifies your reach, and if you collaborate with profiles in your niche, your chances of gaining new followers are also multiplied. 

These tactics will introduce your account to new people who have not yet discovered your content, but to keep them, you must understand the importance of engaging with your followers.

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Final Thoughts

Losing followers on Instagram is an unfortunate, common challenge Instagram users face. However, this guide discusses the possible reasons behind it and highlights effective solutions as well. 

Additionally, investing in Thunderclap.com can be a strategic move to address follower loss and boost your overall engagement. These services provide targeted strategies to help you retain and attract followers.Furthermore, it will be helpful for you if you want to know how you can stop losing your followers in the future. It might take some time, but your wait will be worth it. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do people suddenly lose followers on Instagram?

People lose their followers on Instagram for several reasons. Some of the most common reasons are posting frequency, not posting quality content, changes in the content strategy, being too promotional, etc. Apart from these factors, there can be other reasons which you need to find out and fix as soon as possible.

What should you do when you lose Instagram followers?

First, you must find out the reasons why you are losing your Instagram followers. Then, you must look for the solution to that specific problem. For example, you must start posting regularly if you lose followers because of inconsistent posts. For betterment, you can even ask your followers to give feedback on whether they like your posts or not.

Does losing followers reduce your engagement too?

Yes, certainly. There is a connection between your followers and your engagement. If your followers like your Instagram posts, they will share them with others or mention their friends in the comments. As a result, more people can discover your Instagram account and start following you. But, your engagement rate will reduce drastically if you do not have followers.

Why am I not gaining followers on Instagram?

There can be various reasons, including lack of engagement, inconsistent posting, not using relevant hashtags, not engaging with the followers, etc. So, you need to work on every aspect that may be the reason behind your inability to gain followers.

Should I post content daily to regain the lost follower count on Instagram?

If you want to regain the number of followers you have or increase the follower count, try posting regularly. But, if you have a problem posting daily, you can schedule your posting time and days. It will help your followers know the posting frequency, which can help them stay connected to your account.

How can I increase my visibility to expand my reach and have more Instagram followers?

You should first engage with your current followers to increase your visibility and amplify your reach. Also, you may take advantage of collaboration with others and use relevant and trendy tags in your posts. Furthermore, try utilizing all the features of Instagram, like IGTC, reels, stories, etc., to diversify your content and reach more audiences.

Should I use more hashtags to catch more people's attention on Instagram?

Using more hashtags is not necessary all the time. But, yes, using the right and trendy hashtags can catch people's attention on Instagram. It can increase your content's discoverability. To expand your reach, you may use a mix of niche-specific and popular hashtags.

Can being too promotional can be the cause of losing followers?

Yes, it can be. While promoting your services or products is acceptable, uploading excessive promotional content may irritate your followers. Therefore, you must balance promotional and other valuable content to keep your audience engaged.

Does engaging with Instagram followers prevent you from losing them?

Yes, it is true that engaging with Instagram followers can prevent you from losing them. It helps build community, make personal connections, and encourage user participation, which in turn helps retain and gain followers on Instagram.