How To Add Text On Instagram Reels
  • author Written By Daniel
  • comments 0 comment
  • calander Publish Date : May 17, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 08, 2024
  • clock2 9 min read

Instagram reels have become a popular way for users to show their creativity.

Therefore, the Instagram app allows users to Add Text On Instagram Reels to make them more appealing and interesting.

Adding texts to Instagram reels also helps the viewers understand what a specific reel is all about. Also You can elevate your content with these strategies and combine them with Social Media Growth Services to maximize your reach and impact on Instagram.

So, if you want to Add Text On Reels and learn about the advantages of doing so, you have landed on the right page. This comprehensive guide discusses the ways to add text to reels on Instagram. Also, it further reveals the expert tips to optimize your text placement to captivate more audience.

Add Text On Instagram ReelsHow To Add Texts On Instagram Reels?

Adding text to Instagram reel videos is an easy and hassle-free process for both Android and iPhone users. You can even add texts on reels at different times with the right editing.

So, let’s know how to Add Text On Instagram Reels effortlessly to enhance visual appeal.

1. Add Text To Instagram Reels For iPhones

Here are the steps to Add Text On Instagram Reels video properly.

  • Step 1: Open Instagram and Create the Reel

The first step to add text to Instagram reels video is by opening the Instagram app. Once you open the Instagram app, go to the reels section and start creating the Instagram reels video by tapping on the reels icon. Choose your music, set the recording speed, and then press the recording button to make the reel video.

Add Text On Instagram Reels
  • Step 2: Edit Like the Way You Want

After you have recorded the reels video, it is time to edit the video for perfection. The Instagram app offers several tools to edit your Instagram reels video, including trimming features, adjusting video speed, adding different effects, etc.

Add Text On Instagram Reels
  • Step 3: Add the Text to Your Reel

After properly editing the Instagram reels, locate the text icon at the top of the screen, which you can find on the editing screen. When you tap the text icon, a text box will open where you can type your message. You can even adjust the font styles, text color, etc.

Add Text On Instagram Reels
  • Step 4: Position the Text Properly and Post

Once your text is in the proper place, you can easily drag it to your preferred position. You can even add multiple or disappearing texts on reel videos to make the text appear at the time when you want.

Add Text On Instagram Reels

2. Add Text To Instagram Reels For Android

Now, let’s learn how to add text to Instagram reels using an Android device.

  • Step 1: Open the Instagram app and Make the Reel

First, you need to open the Instagram app and start making the Instagram reels. Similar to the iPhone process, you can choose your desired music and adjust recording settings the way you want.

Add Text On Instagram Reels
  • Step 2: Do the Editing and Add the Text

Editing is the next step, where you will use the Instagram features to perfect your content. Trim your reels, apply filters, add music, and make other adjustments. Then, add text to Instagram reels.

Add Text On Instagram Reels
  • Step 3: Adjust the Position of the Text

Next, customize the text with font and color to enhance the quality. Then, drag the text to your preferred position, ensuring it complements your video without interfering with the essential elements.

Add Text On Instagram Reels
  • Step 4: Preview the Reel and Post

Now, hit the preview button to check everything before you post the Instagram reels. If you are satisfied with the results, click the ‘Post’ button and engage your audience.

Add Text On Instagram Reels

4 Benefits Of Adding Text On the Instagram Reels

Instagram reel is a short-term video content that can transform your presence on Instagram. As per the statistics, 77.6 million posts have revealed that the Instagram reel has the highest estimated reach.

When you Add Text On Instagram Reels, it helps you elevate your overall visibility. So, whether you are an aspiring influencer, an artist, or a brand owner seeking to convey your message to your potential audience, mastering the art of textual enhancement to your Instagram reel is crucial.

So, let’s see the benefits that it can bring.

#1 Increases Engagement

Adding text to an Instagram reel video can significantly ramp up your engagement with your audience. Whether you are planning to deliver a punchline, convey a story, or prompt viewers to take action, a text on Instagram reels always encourages interaction and grabs people’s attention. Also, you can see who viewed your video on Instagram.

As per the statistics, Instagram reels generally have the highest reach rate, which is 14%, higher than the other media types.

It acts like a visual hook that quickly sparks the curiosity among viewers to watch the specific Instagram reel. Smartly crafted text on Instagram reels can elicit likes, comments, shares, and often re-watches.

Add Text On Instagram Reels

#2 Makes Your Reels More Appealing

The aesthetic is everything in the realm of Instagram reels, which can easily transform your posted content into visually stunning. Adding text to Instagram reels allows you to reinforce the mood of your posted video content to make it more engaging and appealing.

However, selecting the right text styles, font, and colors will further add a layer of creativity and branding to your Instagram reel, making it unique. This way, your Instagram reels will stand out from the rest and provide a consistent identity to your Instagram reels.

#3 Adding Texts Elevates Watch Time

Most Instagram users watch Instagram reels as they are engaging and quick videos. As per the statistics, 91% of users on Instagram watch videos on this platform each week. So, there is no denying that increased watch time means higher engagement.

So, adding text to your Instagram reels can prolong the watch time, guiding your audience to remain captivated till the end. Furthermore, it directs the viewers to pay attention to the unique details to keep them engaged for longer durations.

Add Text On Instagram Reels

#4 Provides More Clarity

Clarity is the key to communication, and Add Text On Instagram Reels can help ensure that your message is clear. Whether you showcase your brand’s product or share a tutorial, text can convey the important things efficiently.

It is more like a supportive tool that helps the viewers understand your content. As a result, the layer of clarity will take your Instagram reels to a broader audience and make them widely accessible.

3 Ways to Add Texts to the Instagram Reels Like a Pro

If you are thinking about how to Add Text On Instagram Reels smartly, here are the ways that can help you do that. Following these will help you get more attention from Instagram users. Also, add a transition to Instagram reels.

#1 Get the Dimensions of Your Reels Text Right

One of the primary keys to adding text like a pro to your Instagram reels is to ensure that you get the right dimension of your text. Remember, your text must be large enough to be easily readable. Also, the color or font of the text must align with the video’s theme and should never obstruct important elements.

Add Text On Instagram Reels

#2. Activate Auto-Captions on Instagram Reels

You can activate the auto-captions on Instagram reels to add a professional touch to it. This feature can enhance your reels’ engagement, making it easy for the viewers to understand the video within seconds.

To activate the feature, tap on the three dots at the bottom of the screen and go to the ‘Edit’ section to enable auto-caption.

Add Text On Instagram Reels

#3. Place Your Text Right in the Middle of the Reel

A great technique to Add Text On Instagram Reels is strategically placing it right in the middle of the video. This is because the center text will catch the attention of viewers easily when the video pops up on their feeds. This position shows effective results when you try to convey a critical message.

Add Text On Instagram Reels


Adding texts to Instagram reels is one of the most effective and valuable ways to enhance your reach. Whether you are using an iPhone or Android, the process of adding texts to Instagram reels is user-friendly and can be easily done effortlessly.

If you follow these steps mentioned above, you can take your reels to the next level and stay connected with your audience on a deeper level. For even greater impact, consider complementing your efforts with services like those offered by to further amplify your Instagram presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you make your texts on Instagram reels appear and disappear?

You can easily make text appear and disappear by using the text duration setting within the Instagram reels. When you add text to Instagram reels, you can specify the duration it appears on the screen and when it disappears.

Is it necessary to position your texts on Instagram reels in the right way?

Yes, of course, it is necessary to place your texts in the right position on your Instagram reels. It is good for readability and visual appeal. Placing the text in the center or middle is best, as it never obstructs the essential visual elements.

How to activate auto-caption on the Instagram reels?

Activating the auto-caption on the Instagram reels is easy and can be done within seconds. You just need to open the reels in the Instagram app, tap the three dots at the bottom of your screen and select ‘Edit’. After that, you can enable auto-captioning in the ‘Caption’ section.

Should you place the text at the top or bottom of your Instagram reels?

Well, it is better to place the text in the middle to grab the attention of viewers. But, you can often place the text at the bottom or top of your Instagram reels, depending on your content design. Experiment with both and make sure that the text does not block the screen.

Does adding texts on Instagram reels bring more engagement?

Yes, certainly. Adding text can foster genuine interaction and bring higher engagement. It can make your reel look more appealing and interesting. The text can also elevate watch time by keeping viewers engaged.