How To Gain 2000 Instagram Followers
  • author Written By Daniel
  • comments 0 comment
  • calander Publish Date : May 14, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 21 min read

You can’t gain followers? Well, every nine months, 100 million new people join Instagram, and your target audience is among them. You can gain your share of Instagram audience with a few simple strategies.

If you’re struggling to grow your following organically, consider exploring social media growth services. These services can help you reach a wider audience and increase your engagement.

Also, if you stick to these methods for a few more months, you might even gain a million followers; who knows? So, let’s find out how to gain followers for your account!

How To Gain 2000 Instagram Followers in a Month?

If you are starting out on Instagram, know that gaining your first thousand followers is very easy; just follow these tips: 

Tip 1: Optimize Your Instagram Profile: Bio, Links, and Handle

If you want your target audience to recognize your brand instantly and start following you, then optimize your Instagram profile and all its elements. Here’s how you can optimize your profile: 

  • Step 1: Add a photo that represents your brand well. 
  • Step 2: Next, optimize your Instagram handle.
  • Step 3: Select a short username for your profile.
  • Step 4: Include keywords in the bio to improve visibility.  

Lastly, add a relevant link to your Instagram profile. You can link your website, a landing page, or even a social media account. Also, if you have multiple links to share, use tools like Linktree or Shorby to create a landing page with various links. An optimized profile will certainly help you gain more followers.

Tip 2: Plan Your Instagram Content with Content Planners

The truth is you cannot gain followers without a strategy. Instagram has a billion users and, most importantly, a million other creators. So, if you want to stand out and gain more followers, you must follow a content plan. 

You can plan your Instagram content and strategy in content planners like Later, Planoly, or Loomly. Save and organize your content ideas in these planners to create and share unique content. Also, a solid content plan makes it easier to post consistently and appear more frequently in your target audience’s feed. 

Tip 3: Create and Customize your Business Account 

Although you can grow any type of Instagram account, starting your Instagram follower growth on a business account is better. A business account will give you access to additional features like Instagram insights. 

With Instagram Insights, you can get valuable information about your audience and their demographics and track your follower growth. To create a business account, follow these steps: 

  • Step 1: Log in on Instagram and tap on settings
  • Step 2: Select account type and tools
  • Step 3: Switch to a professional account

You can also choose the category of your business or link your account to your Facebook Page. Then, finally, customize your account with your brand details in the bio. Now comes the content part. 

Tip 4: Post Content Your Followers Actually Want to See 

Keeping up with trends, facing fierce competition from other accounts, or adding new followers, everything is possible if you successfully post content that people really want.

To gain attention from people and add new followers, solve your audience’s problems, ask them questions in your stories, educate them, entertain them, and you will gain them. 

You can use memes, funny videos, behind-the-scenes footage, and informative tips as content. You can also analyze the performance of your previous content to predict what resonates the most with your audience. 

Tip 5: Find Your Best Time to Post and Schedule Posts in Advance

Imagine your posts gaining instant engagement from people at a particular time. The most prominent reason for this is that your target audience is the most active at that particular time. 

Use Instagram Insights to find the most active hours of your audience and improve overall engagement on your profile. Here’s how to do it: 

  • Step 1: Go to your Instagram profile and tap on three horizontal lines.
  • Step 2: Select Insights and click on the Total Followers option
  • Step 3: Find the Most Active Hours of your followers

Now, analyze the most active hours of your followers. At first, it can be challenging to depict the right time to post, especially with only a few followers. You can try posting at different times and experimenting until you see results. You can also schedule your posts in advance with tools like Planable or TailWind. 

Tip 6: Experiment With Different Content Types

Although Instagram was a photo-sharing app, it is not limited to photos anymore. In fact, in 2024, Instagram is known for its most famous video format, reels. Carousels are gaining attention, too.

So, if you want to gain more followers or engagement, experiment with the trending content types. Do not stick only to photos; add carousels, reels, and stories to your content types. 

One way to use carousels is to tell a sequential story from your old static posts. You can also record short behind-the-scenes videos or a video tutorial to share something new. 

Tip 7: Optimize With Hashtags, Captions, and Alt Text

Just like Google SEO, there is Instagram SEO too. And if you successfully crack the code for Instagram SEO, your posts on Instagram will get more attention with better visibility.

Here are some extra tips you can use to improve your Instagram searchability: 

  • Tip 1: Think about what people can search for, then add related hashtags.
  • Tip 2: Add your keywords in the caption itself. 
  • Tip 3: Briefly describe your image as the alt text. 

You can also use emojis in your captions to better express yourself. NETFLIX does that with its witty yet relatable captions while maintaining its brand identity. 

Tip 8: Add CTAs Everywhere

Right CTA placements can also help in gaining followers. How? 

In your bio, simply ask people to follow you. This is simple, but it still works for many accounts. You can also invite people to join your broadcasting channel (if you have one) in your captions.

Similarly, in your product or service posts, guide people on the next steps. If you’re selling a product, you can say something like ‘Swipe up to shop now!’ or ‘Tag a friend who needs this!’

Adding clear CTAs will help people understand your account better and make it easy for them to engage with your content. So, add them everywhere on your Instagram account. 

Tip 9: Tag Your Followers in Your Posts

Now, if you also want more engagement on your Instagram profile, start tagging your existing followers in your posts and captions. 

When you tag someone, your posts also appear on their profile, and their followers can also learn about your account. This is how you can tag your followers: 

  • Mention your followers in captions
  • Tag their username in a pinned comment of your latest post
  • Repost and tag their posts about your brand.  

As a content creator, you can use Instagram mentions to build a connection with your audience and also create a unique identity. 

Tip 10: Use Geotagging to Attract Local Followers and Future Customers 

You can also start geotagging your posts if you want to gain followers near your business location. Geotagging means including your business location in your posts. 

When any user searches for location-based content, your business profile may catch their eye with your location-tagged posts, and they might follow your account. 

Also, these local followers can also turn out to be your future customers. So it’s a win-win situation; you’ll gain followers and also customers for your business. 

Tip 11: Partner With Influencers 

The next tip to gain followers is to partner with people. Collaborations are the old yet proven ways to reach new audiences. 

When you team up with popular influencers, you get to reach their followers, too. Here’s how to make your collaborations worth the effort: 

  • Look for influencers whose followers match your target audience.
  • Engage with their content. Like, comment, and share their posts.
  • Ensure the collaboration benefits everyone involved. 

These influencers already have a bunch of people who trust and follow them. So, by partnering with them, you can introduce your account to a new audience.

Tip 12: Host Instagram Contests and Giveaways

Who doesn’t like freebies? For sure, your followers will love them too.  Host Instagram contests and free giveaways to create a buzz and gain attention from people. 

Announce your giveaway in your stories and promote them for a week or two. You can set the participation criteria as liking a particular post or being an active follower of your account. 

Then, share exciting prizes with your participants. It could be your product, a gift card, or something related to your brand.

When you announce a giveaway on your account, people who might not have noticed your account before may come to check your account. And you might gain new followers right then and there. 

Tip 13: Use the Instagram Live Feature

Hosting Instagram Lives can also help you gain new followers. The best method to host a live is to partner with a brand or collaborate with an influencer. 

While hosting an Instagram live, do this to gain more attention from the audience: 

  • Announce your live in a story or reel video
  • Plan your live sessions around topics that interest your audience. 
  • Invite friends or influencers to join your live sessions.

You can also host Ask Me Anything sessions and candidly chat with your audience to drive more engagement in your lives. 

Tip 14: Try Instagram Promotions and Ads

With Instagram ads, you can target your ads and promotions to specific demographics and gain more profile visits from your potential followers. Apply these practices to gain followers with Instagram promotions and ads: 

  • Understand your target audience’s behavior and interests
  • Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel ads or story ads
  • Promote your contests, lives, and giveaways with ads

Also, regularly analyze the performance of your ads using Instagram Insights. With the right strategy and approach, you can reach your target audience with ads since people often start following an account if they see a unique campaign. 

Tip 15: Get an Instagram Shoutout

Shoutouts are also famous on Instagram, like YouTube, and gaining one can also help you reach more people. Getting an Instagram shoutout is like gaining a recommendation,  but on a bigger scale. 

For example, if you have been sharing healthy recipes on your personal account, a fitness influencer may give you a shoutout. 

But it is easier said than done so to get a shoutout, engage regularly with accounts similar to yours. You can also DM influencers directly, introduce yourself, and explain why you should get a shoutout from them. But you must be sharing valuable content to gain such shoutouts. 

Tip 16: Cross-Promote Your Instagram Account

One more way to gain followers is to share your Instagram profile link everywhere: in your newsletter, blogs, and even your YouTube channel. 

Include your latest posts in your blogs and link your Instagram account in all your marketing emails. This cross-promotion will help you drive more visitors to your Instagram account. And if they find your content relatable, they might start following you. 

Also, if you have a Facebook or TikTok account, include your Instagram account link there too. Chances are, people following you on TikTok might want to follow you on Instagram as well.  

Tip 17: Make Meaningful Conversations With Your Audience

People are more likely to follow authentic accounts; therefore, actively engage with your audience and initiate conversations with them. Always take the time to respond to your DMS.

Even if you have a brand account, you can add a human touch to your responses while interacting with your audience. Cometeer is a brand that does that on its Instagram to interact with its audience. 

People will remember how you made them feel, and if you present your brand correctly, you can even gain followers with some word-of-mouth marketing. 

Tip 18: Get Your Account Verified

A verification badge can also help you stand out and reach your target audience, your target followers. But don’t worry; you don’t need a million followers to get verified. Surprisingly, you can get a verified account even with as little as 1k followers. 

A journalist, Peter Young, has a verified account with only 1728 followers. But how? There are two ways to get verified: either get subscribed to meta-verified after meeting the eligibility criteria or meet Instagram’s terms of use and content guidelines. 

Tip 19: Organize Your Stories As Highlights

If you have created some amazing story videos, you can save them as highlights for future visitors on your profile. But first, start organizing your highlights by giving a title to them. 

For example, if you have organized any contests in the past, you can create a separate highlight titled Contest and save all the videos of winners here. 

This way, your profile will look more organized, and new visitors can also get to know your brand. Dove is managing its highlights like this: (Add dove image)

Tip 20: Use Best Editing Practices 

Many accounts have gained more followers simply because of their unique editing, and, therefore, you, too, must edit your content with the best tools to stand out on the internet. Here are some tools you can use to edit your Instagram videos: 

  • Inshot – To organize your clips 
  • FimoraGo – To apply overlays and filters
  • iMovie – To enhance audio and reduce background noise
  • BeeCut – To improve video quality
  • Flixier  – To add text captions to the video

Whether adjusting brightness, contrast, or applying filters, find a style that suits your brand’s content and stick with it to share high-quality videos with top-notch editing, and you will certainly start gaining followers. 

Tip 21: Experiment With Different Filters and Video Dimensions

Using different filters and video dimensions on your Instagram posts can help gain more followers by adding variety and visual appeal to your content. 

You can use unique filters to represent your brand and try different dimensions, such as portrait, landscape, or square, to add variety to your feed. 

This will enhance your videos’ quality and help add more followers.

Tip 22: Post-Save-Worthy and Shareable Content

Do you, too, like to share memes from that one Instagram page? That’s some shareable content. Most people want to be entertained and educated with some new information. 

Therefore, you must start sharing some save-worthy and shareable content to gain more followers. Some of the most shared content are content like infographics, carousels about the best online resources, and how-to guides. 

You can also start creating them and gain more attention and followers with your shareable content. 

Tip 23: Keep Up With Trends

Social media is all about what’s happening now, and people love to follow up-to-date accounts. So, pay attention to popular hashtags, trending challenges, and topics circulating on different platforms.

Then, to keep up with trends, include these topics in your content and participate in the trending conversations. You never know how a person might like your perspective in the conversation and click on that follow button instantly. 

Tip 24: Host Q&A Sessions on Your Account

You should host Q&As even if you have a few hundred followers right now. Almost all influencers host them to encourage participation from their audience and maintain their connection with followers. 

You can also invite your existing followers to ask you questions about your expertise and experiences. Moreover, the more people engage with your Q&A, the more visibility your account gains, attracting new followers.

Tip 25: Create A Hashtag Strategy

The next thing you should do to gain more followers is a hashtag strategy. Just like a content strategy, you can create a hashtag strategy. Follow these steps to create one: 

  • Step 1: Check out the hashtags similar accounts in your niche are using. 
  • Step 2: Pick a few hashtags and start adding them to your captions
  • Step 3: Update the captions in old posts with current trending hashtags. 

Along with using popular hashtags, you can also create your own branded hashtags and include them in your posts. Once you start growing, you can encourage your followers to use these hashtags whenever mentioning your brand. 

Tip 26: Develop and Maintain A Unique Brand Identity

A unique brand identity is the basis for gaining new followers. Why? 

People who are searching for Nike can easily differentiate its Instagram account because of its unique color choice and brand theme.

Therefore, if you too, want to gain followers on your original brand account, focus on developing a unique brand identity. Consider your color scheme, the types of photos you post, and the overall vibe you want to convey with your visuals. 

When your profile stands out with a consistent look, theme, and tone, people are more likely to remember your brand and follow your account. 

Tip 27: Repurpose Your Best-Performing Content

Creating great content consistently is a challenging task, but there’s a solution, too! 

You can repurpose your best-performing content to keep sharing great ideas on your Instagram. To do that,  identify your most popular posts by the number of likes, comments, and shares.

Next, find ways to repurpose them. You can share your carousel content as a video or vice versa. Maybe you will gain new followers with old content; you never know.

Tip 28: Create More Instagram Reels

Yes! Simply create more reels. They are also driving the most engagement on Instagram. In fact, in 2023 alone, Instagram reels ads had an average reach of up to 675.3 million people. 

To reach maximum accounts with your reels, apply these practices:

  • Add on-screen texts
  • Use trending audio in your reels
  • Include your keywords and hashtags in reel captions
  • Post a new reel daily.

So, if you have not tried this video format yet, start sharing reels now. Create more reels and gain more followers. 

Tip 29: Share User-Generated Content

Another way to gain your followers is to share user-generated content. User-generated content is any content your followers have shared related to your brand. 

You can repost and share all pictures or video reviews added by your customers and share them on your brand profile while tagging your customers. When people see that a brand has shared content with their audience, they are more likely to trust that brand and click on the follow button. 

Tip 30: Understand Your Instagram Analytics

Lastly, understand your analytics. Instagram Analytics will provide you insights into how your posts are performing, your audience information, and their active hours. You can use this information to alter your content strategy.  

For example, if your reels are getting more impressions and engagement, you can start creating more of them and keep reaching newer accounts.  

Now, using these tips will definitely grow your follower count, but you should also make some efforts to maintain your existing followers.

How To Make The Most of Your Existing Instagram Followers?

Your existing followers can help you gain more followers if you know how to manage them effectively. So, here’s how you can interact with your existing followers: 

#1 Share your brand story and add more personalization

You might have some followers who are unaware of your brand story. You can share your personalized and unique story with your followers to maintain your connection with them and also gain their attention regularly. 

#2 Always respond to your audience 

You should always respond to what your audience has to say. Like their comments and reply to them. This way, your audience will remember your brand and always engage with your posts and reels. Brands like Pringles are doing this. 

#3 Educate and entertain them with your unique content 

To maintain your existing followers, share unique and educational content with them. For example, if you have a clothing brand, you can share trending outfits in your content. 

#4 Give shoutouts to your most loyal followers 

You can also offer shoutouts to your most loyal followers and gain more engagement on your profile. It’s a win-win situation – you get increased interaction, and your followers get recognized. 

If you are wondering if putting all these efforts together is worth it, then here are some reasons to have a huge Instagram following.  

Why gain more Instagram followers?

Instagram followers in the present era are like your digital assets; once you gain a handful of them, you can easily do this: 

#1 Increase business sales, traffic, and engagement

More followers mean more opportunities. You can gain more traffic on your website and boost your business sales by promoting your products to a larger audience. 

#2 Monetize your Instagram content 

You must have at least 10000 followers as the minimum criteria for Instagram monetization. Also, it’s easier to earn with brand collaboration when you have more followers. 

#3 Become more popular

Followers are literally the digital currency in the social media era. Therefore, if you want to gain brand popularity and increase your brand awareness, focus on gaining more followers for your account.  

#4 Build your Instagram community

Having more followers can also help you build your Instagram community. Later, you can also start your own broadcasting channel on Instagram when you have gained a  few more followers. 

Although growing on Instagram has no set rules, sometimes you might use some practices by mistake that can harm your account rather than doing any good. 

5 Mistakes To Avoid While Gaining Instagram Followers

The Instagram algorithm might never show your videos to new people and you may continue to struggle if you don’t stop committing these mistakes: 

#1 Overusing Hashtags

Too many hashtags in your posts can negatively impact the performance of your account. Therefore, only include relevant hashtags in all your Instagram posts.

#2 Sharing Low-quality Content

Yes, content is the real king. Therefore, avoid sharing low-quality content if you want real people to follow your account and build a better brand image both as a creator and a business owner.  

#3 Ignoring engagement analytics

Measuring your analytics is always important. Understand how your recent ad campaign impacted your follower count and how many followers you gained after hosting that Instagram live with an influencer. 

#4 Not staying updated with trends

If you want to remain relevant and in line with your audience’s preferences, you must stay updated with the latest trends. Posting on trending topics also helps in attracting new followers. 

#5 Inconsistent visuals on your Instagram feed

Inconsistent visuals not only look less appealing but also fail to represent your brand correctly. Therefore, plan your Instagram feed and the visuals with tools like feed planners to gain more followers. 

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Final Thoughts: Use These Tips and Grow Massively!

From optimizing your account to adding CTAs, you can gain your Instagram followers very easily. Just avoid those five mistakes and continue applying all the mentioned tips for a few weeks.

Your follower count will reach a new high, and your Instagram account will grow massively! To further accelerate your growth and unlock countless opportunities to monetize your Instagram account, consider using services. These services can provide tailored strategies and insights to boost your follower count and enhance your overall Instagram presence.

So, are you trying them today?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get more followers on Instagram for free?

To gain people's attention, use best practices like posting relevant and informative content, optimizing your Instagram profile, and collaborating. If you follow these practices consistently, you will start gaining followers on your account, and that to for free without any paid promotions.

Should I post twice a day to get more followers?

Yes, you must share at least one post daily to gain more followers on Instagram. You can also post twice a day to gain more followers. You can choose your posting schedule as per your choice.

How can I get 1000 followers on Instagram?

To gain 1000 followers on your account, start posting engaging content for at least a month. Meanwhile, also optimize your profile and include relevant hashtags in all your post captions. You can also collaborate with people to gain more followers.

Which type of Instagram page grows fast?

Niche-specific brand pages grow the fastest on Instagram as they focus on gaining authority in one domain. But nowadays, with the new reel feature, even new pages are gaining more reach. The algorithm is mysterious, but if you consistently employ best practices, you can easily grow on Instagram.

How many followers do I need to monetize my Instagram account?

Gain at least 10000 active followers to monetize your Instagram. This is the eligibility requirement set by Instagram for monetization. Also, your account should be either a creator or business account.

How can I get more followers on Instagram naturally?

To gain followers naturally, post content that people really want to see. Create shareable posts and participate in trending challenges. You can also start making reels while using trending audio to reach more accounts.

How long does it take to grow an Instagram account?

Currently, the average monthly follower growth rate is 0.77%, according to Flick, an Instagram analytics tool. But how you grow on Instagram can depend on several factors. Some accounts have reached their 1k mark only in a time frame of 2 months. The best is to keep using the right strategies until you reach your target count.

How can I grow my Instagram followers fast?

Combine multiple strategies and start networking heavily to grow fast on Instagram. You can also invest in Instagram ads to reach newer accounts and your target audience.