How to See What Someone Else Likes on Instagram
  • author Written By Daniel
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  • calander Publish Date : May 14, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 7 min read

Social media marketing has become a prominent thing to elevate online visibility. As per the statistics, almost 30.94% of the total 4.48 billion people use Instagram on a regular basis. 

But, are you following someone on Instagram for a very long time and curious to know what they have liked on Instagram? Or do you run a business and wish to see your customers’ preferences by seeing what Instagram posts they have liked in the past? You can do it easily on Instagram. 

If you are looking to grow your social media presence, consider using social media growth services. These services can help you to increase your followers, likes, and engagement.

How? Let us know in the blog!

Key Takeaway – Fortunately, seeing people’s activity, including what posts they have liked, is a hassle-free process. Read this comprehensive guide to know the steps of doing so.

How Can You See What Someone Else Likes on Instagram?

There is no denying that this platform always prefers to offer enhanced privacy, but people are curious to discover other people’s online activity. They want to know how to see what someone likes on Instagram, shares, and comments. 

If you have the same desire, check the below-mentioned step-by-step process.

#Step 1: Login to Your Instagram Profile

The first thing to check an individual’s online activity is to open the Instagram app. But consider checking whether you are logged in to your own profile to research further. 

#Step 2: Search for that Person’s Instagram Profile

You can search for the profile of that specific individual on Instagram by searching for their profile on the Explore Page and typing their username.

#Step 3: Look What They Are Following

After landing on the account of that specific individual, find their network by exploring the profiles they follow. 

#Step 4: Tap on a Profile They Follow

Once you click on the following options, you will see the list of the Instagram accounts they follow. Now, manually click on any profile to visit it.

#Step 5: View the Posts’ Likes of the Profile

Then, tap on any posts they share to check whether the individual liked the post. It is worth noting that people often hide their activity or keep their profile private. 

Significant Importance of Likes on Instagram

If you are a new user and wish to get an initial kick to success, you can choose to purchase premium-quality Instagram likes. However, to better understand the significance of having likes on your Instagram posts, read below-

#1. Offers Social Validation

Instagram likes act as a social validation of Instagram posts of users. It signifies or indicates that the shared posts are not only seen by people but also appreciated by them. 

So, it is fair to state that likes on Instagram go beyond mere numbers or metrics since it showcases genuine interactions between people and their post-acceptance.

Likes can boost confidence in users and motivate them to produce more content. It tells the individuals that their posts are relevant and loved by their target audience. If gaining likes feels like a hectic task for you, choose to purchase quality likes for your Instagram posts and increase your visibility.

#2. Proof of Quality Content

Instagram likes are also solid proof of the quality of the posted content. A higher number of likes on someone’s posts suggests that their posts resonate with the audience. This means that with the increased number of likes, you get the hint that your Instagram community finds your posts interesting according to their preferences.

So, in the landscape of several Instagram posts, likes can distinguish your posts from the ordinary and make them exceptional. As a result, it grabs more people’s attention to your profile and helps you gain substantial followers. This is because quality content always stands out in the crowded online platforms.

#3. Helps in Expanding Reach

The Instagram algorithm always favors content with a higher number of likes. So, the likes on your posts can determine your content’s reach. As a result, the algorithm will automatically will higher your rank on search results to improve your content’s discoverability.

This increased visibility elevates your circle of followers and exposes your content to a large audience. It is helpful for business owners since it helps them get enhanced brand exposure to connect with new customers.

However, if you have been using Instagram for a very long time but still are not getting enough likes on your posts, buy real likes from active users at Within a few months, not only the number of your likes will increase, but your reach and engagement will soar high.

#4. Makes Posts Famous

With substantial likes on your posts, you can become viral and fulfill your dream of becoming popular. When an individual posts content, the chances get higher to become famous by featuring your content on the Explore Page. If you’re a business owner, it is advantageous for you since this action can bring a massive difference in your relationship with your customers and help you get online stardom.

However, consider checking the official website of if you are looking for ways to get enough likes on Instagram. It is a reliable social media growth service provider that sells high-quality Instagram likes at fair prices.

Reasons Why People See What Someone Else Likes on Instagram

Checking out people’s activity on Instagram has become a fun thing to do. Individual Instagram users do it for several reasons. So, let’s discover some of the reasons here-

#1. Curiosity Is The Key

Often, people try to look at what someone else likes on Instagram just out of curiosity. This approach will help them know about their preferences and interests. 

As a result, it offers you the opportunity to discover new content. However, you must know that you cannot see someone’s activity if their profiles are private. 

#2. To Understand Others Taste & Preferences

When you see what someone else likes on Instagram, you naturally get the idea of their preferences. It is helpful when you wish to know about the things that a particular individual prefers to watch. 

Furthermore, it is specifically beneficial for people who use Instagram for marketing purposes. This technique helps them understand their potential customers in a better way.

#3. Check Their Online Activity

Checking other people’s likes on different posts on Instagram also helps you notice their online activities. This provides a clear picture of how active they are on Instagram. 

It is specifically advantageous for people who want to keep an eye on their competitors. However, if you are stalking someone for a good reason, it is helpful for you as well. 

#4. Discover New Content on Instagram

People with the same interests will naturally like content that you may like. So, when individuals search for the posts that their like-minded people love, it helps them discover new posts. 

It is indeed a fun and unique way to explore different types of content on Instagram. So, you may find something exciting that will be actually helpful. 

Read More:

Final Thoughts

Viewing an individual’s online activity on Instagram, like what they liked on Instagram, is a gateway to knowing about their interests. This information can be invaluable for businesses seeking to offer their customers the best experience. For individuals looking to connect on a deeper level, it can provide valuable insights. If you're interested in leveraging these insights for your business or personal connections, consider exploring that can help you analyze and understand online behavior." 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I check what I liked in the past on Instagram?

Yes, every Instagram user can check their activity or what they liked on Instagram in the past. Follow the steps below- Step 1: In the lower right corner, click on the Instagram profile icon. Step 2: After that, click on the menu icon (three lines) in the upper right corner. Step 3: Then select "Choose Activity" Step 4: Click on the interactions and then 'Likes' options Step 5: Once done, you can see the posts you have liked in the past on Instagram

Should Individuals use a third-party app to see what someone else likes on IG?

If people wish to use any kind of third-party app to see what someone else likes on Instagram, they can. But, they must know that these apps may be expensive for a few people to use. However, you may get a free trial option in some apps. But, later, you must pay a basic monthly or annual fee to use them.

Why am I facing issues to see my friends' likes on Instagram?

The reasons behind the issues you are facing to see your friends' likes on Instagram can be many. First, consider checking whether your Instagram app is updated. If not, update it and then use it. You may encounter problems while seeing others' activity on Instagram if the platform changes any feature.

Is it good to see someone else's likes on Instagram?

It can be good to see someone else's liked posts on Instagram since it allows you to understand them better. This approach helps businesses get valuable insights into their customers' behavior. But, individual users must show respect when it comes to someone’s privacy.

Does it really matter to know what someone likes on Instagram?

Yes, it does because likes are one of the crucial interactions on social media platforms. So, when you see what someone else has liked on Instagram, you can understand what types of posts they are interested in.

Is it possible to see everything that an individual likes on Instagram?

No, it is not possible. Instagram does not have any kind of feature like this, allowing users to peek into someone else's activity. They have not introduced this feature to respect people's privacy on this platform.

Can I see what someone else likes on Instagram without following them?

Yes, you can. But, you must ensure that the specific individual has a public profile on Instagram. If they have a private profile, it will not be possible for you to check what they like on Instagram.

Does the person receive a notification about individual likes on Instagram ?

No, absolutely not. Instagram never alerts anyone about it. As long as you do not directly interact with their posts, they won't receive any notification that says you have checked what they liked on Instagram.