How To Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts
  • author Written By Daniel
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  • calander Publish Date : May 16, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 15 min read

A complete guide on How To Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts, set up new accounts, switch between multiple accounts, and manage notifications with Instagram’s built-in features.

Have you ever posted the wrong thing to the wrong account? 

Instagram allows its users to Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts and own up to 5 accounts. If you are a creator or startup owner, you must have owned multiple accounts and felt lost while managing them. Dealing with a constant stream of comments and messages can be hard. 

Instagram allows its 2 billion users to create and own multiple accounts. Here’s a guide on how to manage those accounts and never lose track of all the important notifications. For additional support, consider utilizing Social Media Growth Services to streamline your account management and enhance your online presence.

Let’s get started Learn How To Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts.

How To Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts

Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts

You can manage multiple accounts on the Instagram app, or the desktop site. But if you are starting with several accounts, follow these simple steps to define a personalized system for managing multiple accounts. 

1. Assign a unique email address for each account

If you plan to manage multiple Instagram Accounts, it’s always better to set up a unique email address for each account.

Unique email addresses for multiple accounts will help you organize your accounts better. Each account has a different purpose. Therefore assign a unique email address along with a unique user name and profile picture. For a personal account, you can use a different email and for your business, you can add the official email of your business.

If you haven’t assigned a unique email. Follow these steps. 

  • Log in to your Instagram Account and visit your profile.
  • Click on the three horizontal lines and navigate to settings.
  • Tap on the account and under the login information, you can change the email of your Instagram account. 

2. Set clear goals for each account

Defining clear goals for your multiple accounts is a crucial step. Clearly define the purpose of creating another account.

Is it to promote an already existing brand, generate sales, or build authority in a domain? You can start by defining the target audience for each Instagram account to start managing multiple Instagram accounts. And then jot down key factors like performance metrics, targets, and the follower count you want to achieve with each account. 

Having a plan for each account will help you draft effective content strategies and organize the content of all your accounts. A clear goal behind each account will help you communicate more effectively and manage the accounts better.

3. Create a content calendar

Creating and managing content for multiple accounts can be a huge task. Therefore it is important to draft content calendars for all your accounts. When you have defined clear goals and purpose for all your Instagram accounts, create and define a content calendar.

Then define the content type and format for each account. Defining the formats for each account is a crucial step as each account has a different goal. Also, understanding your target audience is important to later identify the key dates and occasions for posting content. 

Having a content calendar can help you define the theme of each account and when you have everything planned in your calendars, you cannot go wrong with any account. And yes making the wrong post on the wrong account will be highly unlikely with an organized content calendar in place.   

4. Schedule posts with tools

It can be overwhelming to post on multiple accounts without a posting schedule.

Also, finding the golden hour to post content can be hard. You never know when your target audience is the most active. Therefore it is important to define a posting schedule for each Instagram account. 

If you are starting, you can use tools like Google Calendar to schedule your posts. Define the frequency of posts and allot special days for each account. This is to ensure that each account gets equal time and you can post content consistently. Managing multiple accounts can be overwhelming but a content calendar and a post schedule can be your savior. 

5. Use Instagram Insights to track the performance

Now if you have managed your accounts with these steps, it’s time to track the performance of each account. 

To track the performance of your content on multiple accounts, leverage Instagram’s insights feature. This built-in Instagram feature allows you to track the engagement, view time, and overall performance of each account.

This feature will give you important insights into your content performance, the reach of the content, follower activity, and the demographics of your followers.

To use Instagram insights follow these steps:

  • Switch to the account you want to track. 
  • Click on the three horizontal lines on your profile and navigate to settings. 
  • Tap on insights and track the performance.

Utilize the analytics and insights to identify the non-performing content on your accounts and use this data to draft an effective content strategy for your account. Post content consistently to collect analytics for Instagram insights and track the performance of each account.

6. Cross-promote your one account on another

Gaining followers on a new account can be hard without paid promotion but As a business owner or creator, you can leverage your multiple Instagram accounts to cross-promote your accounts.  

If you have created another account for your business, use your primary account to promote this new account. Use the mentioned feature to promote your multiple Instagram accounts. Also, you can make a collaborative post with two Instagram accounts. Regular mentions and collaborations will help you gain an audience for your new Instagram account. 

7. Create an engagement schedule for each account

It can be overwhelming to manage the notifications of every account and therefore, it’s essential to create an engagement schedule for each Instagram account. 

But responding to the audience’s comments is crucial for the brand’s image. People love it when a brand recognizes their words, and therefore, you should not miss this golden opportunity to create brand trust.

Therefore, you can allocate special days in a week to interact with your audience on each Instagram account. You can define the guidelines for engaging with the audience on each account and manage the notifications effectively.

Top 3 Reasons You Need Multiple Instagram Accounts 

Creating many accounts has multifold benefits. If you are hesitating to set up a new account, These are the top 3 reasons why you need multiple Instagram accounts. 

#1. To differentiate between personal and professional accounts

Having separate Instagram accounts is essential in today’s business world. You can make an Instagram presence with multiple IG accounts. An Instagram business account can help you build a brand and attract multiple clients.

#2. To create targeted and niche-specific content

Multiple Instagram accounts allow you to create targeted and niche-specific visual content. Managing multiple Instagram accounts is easy with social media management tools.

#3. To attract an audience for an already-established brand 

Currently, there are over 2.35 billion active Instagram users. Social media is a powerful place to attract a wider audience. By creating and managing multiple Instagram you can attract a wider set of audience for an already established brand.

How To Set Up Multiple Instagram Accounts? 

If you want to add another account for your business or a new creator profile. These are the steps you can follow to add and set up a new Instagram account. 

How To Set Up Multiple Instagram Accounts

1. Log in to your primary account

If you already have an Instagram account, you can create a new account by logging in to your existing account. Go to Instagram and log in with your primary account. 

2. Select Create new account 

After clicking on your profile, a similar screen will appear. Select the option to create a new account. 

3. Give a unique user name to set up an account

The new account function will require a new name. So, add a unique user name, a short bio about your business or brand, and a profile picture for your new account. Your new profile is all set to go. 

How To Switch Between Multiple Instagram Accounts?

Switching between multiple Instagram accounts on the Instagram app is easy. Follow these steps: 

How To Switch Between Multiple Instagram Accounts

1. Go to your profile

Open the Instagram app and visit your profile with your primary account. 

2. Tap on the profile picture

To switch accounts, tap on the profile picture on the bottom right. Or you can click on the messages icon like in this photo, click here. 

3. All your accounts will appear 

After clicking here all your accounts will appear like this. Now you can tap on the account you want to switch.

How To Manage Push Notifications With Multiple Accounts?

Managing push notifications of multiple accounts can be overwhelming. But you can use Instagram’s built-in notifications feature, to mute and clear unnecessary notifications. 

How To Manage Push Notifications With Multiple Accounts

To manage notifications on the Instagram app, follow these steps: 

1. Go to your profile

Open your Instagram and go to your profile by tapping on the profile picture. 

2. Navigate to settings

Navigate to settings and options similar to the photo will appear here. In these setting options, you can easily locate the option to manage notifications.

3. Manage notifications 

Now click on manage notifications. You can pause the notifications or put the notifications on quiet mode with this feature. 

How To Remove An Instagram Account?

How To Remove An Instagram Account

If an account is no longer you can delete that account. To delete an Instagram account, switch to the account you wish to delete and follow these steps: 

1. Visit the account you wish to delete

Open Instagram and visit the account you want to delete by tapping on the profile picture of the account. 

2. Tap on settings

Now tap on settings and a similar screen will appear. Scroll down till the end. 

3. Log out 

At the end, you will find the option to log out. Confirm the deletion and log out of the account to remove the account permanently. 

Leverage Creator Studio To Manage Several Accounts

If you want to manage your several accounts on a desktop site, then use Facebook’s Creator Studio to organize and manage your creator profile.

To add your Instagram account to Creator Studio and manage accounts, follow these steps.

1. Go to Facebook’s Creator Studio website

Visit the  Creator Studio website on Facebook. This is a free dashboard designed by Facebook for creators and social media marketers. You can schedule your posts, engage with your audience, and manage the performance of several accounts on this website.  Now,

2. Link your Instagram account to Facebook’s Creator Studio

To link your Instagram account, tap on the Instagram logo that appears on the creator’s studio’s home page. Then follow the on-screen steps to interlink your Instagram account with the creator profile. If you have Facebook and Instagram accounts linked, the steps can vary. 

3. Manage Your Accounts

Now start managing your accounts. You can schedule your posts, analyze content performance, and engage with the audience with Creator Studio. Leverage this powerful tool to manage multiple Instagram accounts and save time!

Read More:

Use This Free Tool To Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts

Canva is a powerful tool for business owners and you can leverage this tool to design templates, create content, and schedule posts for your multiple Instagram accounts. Many social media managers use this tool to create visual content for brand accounts.

If you are a social media manager, managing multiple clients, Canva is a tool that allows you to design logos, Facebook posts, and other forms of content for social media accounts. Here’s a step-by-step plan on how to use this free tool to its full potential and manage Instagram accounts like a pro.

Free Tool To Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts

1. Create multiple folders for all your Instagram accounts

Create unique folders for all your accounts. Then organize these folders to manage content and designs for each account.  Your designs will be easier to access with separate folders. Save your time and avoid the hassle of finding the design when you have to post the post.

2. Design Custom Templates for each account

Each Instagram account has a different target audience and a unique goal. Therefore it is important to design custom templates for each account. On Canva you can design custom templates and personalized stickers for several accounts. For example, you can design stickers to respond to your target audience.

3. Create amazing designs and share them with the world

Canva allows you to design posters, Instagram posts, stories, and even reels. Finally, use Canva to create terrific designs and share your ideas with the world.

This free tool will help you manage designs and content for all your Instagram accounts. 

Source [Flick ]

Final Thoughts

Managing Instagram profiles is easier now and you can easily switch between them without any hassle.

Your Instagram growth is one step away. Use this guide to manage multiple Instagram accounts and build your Instagram presence today!

Create and manage multiple Instagram accounts like a pro!

Frequently Asked Questions

Final Thoughts

Managing Instagram profiles is easier now and you can easily switch between them without any hassle.

Your Instagram growth is one step away. Use this guide to manage multiple Instagram accounts and build your Instagram presence today! For additional strategies, check out to further enhance your Instagram management skills.

Create and manage multiple Instagram accounts like a pro!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I manage multiple accounts on Instagram?

Yes, you can manage Instagram accounts. In the Instagram app, you can own and manage up to 5 different accounts. This is a very useful feature for business owners and creators. You can switch between multiple accounts to manage the notifications and engage with your audience. Many media brands use multiple Instagram profiles to promote their brands.

How many Instagram Accounts can I own?

You can own up to five Instagram accounts. As per the latest updates, Instagram allows its users to add and manage up to five accounts. You can easily switch between multiple Instagram accounts by tapping on the profile page of your account.

Will my followers know if I create a second Instagram account?

No, Instagram does not notify your followers if you create another account. The second account is separate from your first account. However, if you want to promote your second Instagram account, you can mention the account in your Instagram stories to inform your followers.

How many Instagram accounts can I have with one email?

You can have 5 Instagram accounts with one email. Instagram allows you to own not more than five accounts with the same email address. You can easily switch between different accounts on the Instagram app to manage multiple accounts.

How do I separate my personal and business Instagram accounts?

To separate your personal Instagram from your business, create a new Instagram account for your business. Give this account a new username, and profile picture different than your account. You can use Instagram's features such as Instagram insights and paid advertising to grow your business account.

Can I create two Instagram accounts with the same phone number?

Yes, Instagram allows you to create multiple accounts with the same phone number. You can add up to 5 accounts with the same number and switch between multiple accounts on the Instagram app.

Why is my second Instagram account not showing up?

If your second account is not showing up, update the Instagram app. Then log out with your primary account and log in again. Due to an unstable internet connection, your account might now show up. Check your connectivity and log in again with the same credentials.

Can I remove a second person managing my Instagram account?

Yes, you can remove a person managing your account. To do this, simply go to your profile settings, and navigate to manage accounts. Go to authorized access and remove the person from the list. While managing multiple Instagram accounts you can provide access to your profile to only designated people or a social media manager.

How to manage multiple Instagram accounts at the same time?

Use Instagram’s built-in feature to switch between multiple Instagram accounts. You can manage the notifications with the account settings button on your profile. Managing multiple Instagram accounts is easy with third-party apps.

Can I delete my Instagram account and make a new one with the same email?

No, you cannot create a new Instagram account with the same email id, even if you delete your previous account in real time.

How many times can you deactivate Instagram accounts?

There is no set limit on the number of times you can deactivate your Instagram account. You can deactivate one Instagram account multiple times.

Why do people have multiple Instagram accounts?

People prefer to have multiple Instagram accounts than a single Instagram account to leverage the power of social media platforms. Social media can be used to promote a brand, grow a business, and create a separate Instagram profile from a private account.