Instagram Views vs Likes: Which One Is The Key To Viral Growth
  • author Written By Daniel
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  • calander Publish Date : May 17, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 7 min read

While both Instagram views and likes represent the engagement of your Instagram account, they play different roles in your Instagram strategy. Understanding these metrics is crucial for leveraging Social Media Growth Services effectively to enhance your Instagram presence. Both views and likes are pivotal in accelerating your Instagram success and achieving your goals more efficiently.

Overview Of Instagram Views vs Likes

Instagram Views vs Likes

Key Takeaway: Both the Instagram likes and views can directly impact the Instagram algorithm. So, when you have an increased number of Instagram likes and views, it increases your posts’ visibility and chances of appearing in more users’ feeds and Explore Page. They also can increase the popularity of your Instagram videos.

They both can bring significant and quality engagement to help your account gain organic growth. This comprehensive guide will discuss Instagram views vs. Instagram likes and how mastering these metrics can elevate your Instagram presence.

Instagram Views vs Likes

What Are Instagram Views and Instagram Likes?

Both Instagram views and likes are two essential engagement metrics that directly impact the popularity of your Instagram videos. The likes on Instagram refer to the number of Instagram users who have expressed their appreciation of your posted Instagram videos and photos by clicking the heart icon.

When an Instagram user likes your content, it indicates a positive response and engagement to what you have shared. It is a crucial metric since it can offer your Instagram videos the exposure they need and help you reach a broader audience. As per the statistics, the users of Instagram have 4.2 billion posts each day.


Instagram views in comparison to likes, are the number of times Instagram stories, videos, and reels have been watched by Instagram users. Each view is counted whenever a user taps on your content to see what you posted. You can see the total view count on your Instagram videos, reels, and stories.

Remember, both the Instagram likes and views can directly impact the Instagram algorithm. So, when you have an increased number of Instagram likes and views, it increases your posts’ visibility and chances of appearing in more users’ feeds and Explore Page.

Why Does Having Both Instagram Views vs Likes Matter?

The debate on Instagram views vs likes will never end since both metrics play a crucial role in your Instagram popularity. Both Instagram views and likes help you reach your target audience, improve search engine ranking, increase your engagement rate, and help you get social proof.

Whether you run a small business on Instagram, are a content creator, or are a budding entrepreneur, you must concentrate on both Instagram views and likes.

While the likes on Instagram are the immediate response to your Instagram post’s appeal, the Instagram views showcase the extent of engagement with your Instagram video content.

As per the statistics, the average engagement rate of Instagram video posts is 0.61%, which is enough to make your posted content viral. So, this engagement comes from both Instagram likes and views.

Together, these metrics can help your business draw the attention of your potential customers and increase views and likes count. So, having a healthy mix of both Instagram likes and views will trigger the Instagram algorithm and take your content to the Explore Page.

Instagram Views vs Likes

What Are the Primary Differences Between Instagram Views vs Likes?

When the talk is about Instagram views vs likes, you must know the primary difference between these two metrics. So, let’s explore this in detail.

It will give you an idea of several ways to increase your engagement and give you an idea of how you can use both Instagram views and likes to ensure long-lasting organic growth.

Difference Point Instagram Likes Instagram Views
Nature of Engagement The Instagram views are crucial for assessing the engagement and reach of your posted content. They show the number of how many people have watched your content. An increased number of Instagram view count indicates that people do not just scroll but highly engage with your content. The Instagram views refer to the metrics that represent the consumption of the video content. They are key indicators that imply that the users invested time in watching your content.
Metric Significance The likes on Instagram are often seen as a measure of the appeal and popularity of Instagram videos, photos, reels, and stories, which indicate how compelling and engaging your content is.A higher number of likes on Instagram count suggests that your post is well-received by the audience. Instagram users give likes to show their support for your post without necessarily consuming the entire content. It simply means when a user likes your photo, video, or reels, it does not imply that they watched the whole content.
User Behavior The likes on Instagram are often seen as a measure of the appeal and popularity of Instagram videos, photos, reels, and stories, which indicate how compelling and engaging your content is. A higher number of likes on Instagram count suggests that your post is well-received by the audience. But Instagram views mean a higher level of engagement where people watch the video content till the end. They may like the content at the end, which will be highly beneficial for your Instagram success. So, achieving a balance between Instagram likes and views is crucial.
Engagement Duration The likes on Instagram are quick actions that never demand the users to spend too much time on a post. The views on Instagram show a higher engagement duration that requires more time from the users.
Visibility The number of likes on Instagram your post receives is publicly visible to everyone who views your posted content. It is because it will be displayed prominently on your post. The Instagram views are visible to the individuals who can see the video. However, the exact list of viewers may not be visible because of the privacy setting of the account.
Instagram views vs likes

What Is More Important Between Instagram Views vs Likes?

In the battle of Instagram likes vs. views, determining which metric holds more value is crucial. There is no denying that Instagram is a very competitive platform where achieving your goals is challenging.

As per the statistics, 69.7% of people use Instagram to post their videos and photos, which makes it difficult for new users to gain visibility in less time.

But, if you are one of those and wish to make your presence prominent, you must first know which metric can give you the needed exposure. The likes on Instagram are more beneficial for brand awareness and showcasing visual appeal. They offer immediate feedback and can influence the perception of users.

Instagram Views vs Likes

However, if your primary goal is to showcase services and products or convey a message, views are paramount. They signify user engagement and the extent to which your posted content resonates with your audience.

Measure the Correct Metrics Is Crucial to Take Your Instagram Account to a New Height

Mastering Instagram views and likes is all about tailoring your content strategically and understanding the right audience. You can use both these metrics as the primary tools to elevate your engagement and refine your content strategy.

So, it will be better to experiment with your content type, posting schedule, captions, and relevant hashtags to see what attracts your audience in the best way. Consider monitoring both the likes and views count to track your progress and optimize content accordingly.

Instagram Views vs Likes

When you successfully find the right balance between Instagram views and likes, it will give your Instagram account a wing. These engagement metrics will help you reach a wider and more engaged audience quickly.

Source [Tech Faisal]


Both Instagram likes and views are essential metrics that reflect posts’ popularity and engagement on this platform. While likes represent a passive form of appreciation, views offer a quick acknowledgment of your content. can provide insights and tools to help you boost these metrics, effectively elevating your engagement.

So, you must concentrate on both and start working to get more likes and views simultaneously. It is because only the likes or views cannot help you foster genuine interaction, but the combination of both can do it effectively.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to get more Instagram likes on your Instagram posts?

You must create highly engaging and quality content to get likes on your posts organically. Also, use relevant hashtags and post consistently to engage with your audience. Collaborate with other users and interact with your followers to widen your reach.

Does consistent posting on Instagram help you receive more Instagram views?

Yes, of course. Consistency is the key to getting more Instagram views on your posts. Regularly posting will attract more people and keep your audience engaged with your profile, resulting in increased popularity.

What are the ways to receive increased views on Instagram reels?

To increase the number of views on your Instagram reels, you can use trending hashtags and music, create attention-grabbing thumbnails, etc. Apart from that, you can engage your audience by responding to their comments. Collaborating with other users can also increase your view count on reels.

How long does the engagement last when you have a significant number of likes on Instagram posts?

The duration of engagement varies, but Instagram likes can continue to accumulate over time because more users will further discover and interact with your posts. The relevance and content quality of the posts play a pivotal role in how long they remain engaging.

Does the Instagram algorithm play a crucial role in getting Instagram likes? If so, how?

Yes, the Instagram algorithm always considers user engagement, including Instagram likes, when determining the visibility of your posts. The more likes your content receives, the more likely it is to appear on the Explore page and users’ feeds.