How To Monetize YouTube Shorts
  • author Written By Samuel B. Gillham
  • comments 0 comment
  • calander Publish Date : May 13, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 10 min read

Short-form videos are the most trending, and this form of content is the most consumed. YouTube recently released YouTube shorts, and the concept, because of short-form video, is a massive win. 

YouTube shorts are not only for the creators but also for the platform. Ever since their introduction, YouTube shorts have generated a whopping 5 trillion views on the platform. 

Seeing the amazing response, YouTube has decided to invest in the future of YouTube shorts. Shorts have given creators more earning opportunities and high views and engagement. 

Our blog will look at YouTube monetization and how you can do that and make the most of it.  We'll also discuss how social media growth services can help you accelerate your success on YouTube Shorts and other platforms.

How To Monetize YouTube Shorts Per Month?

To start with YouTube Shorts monetization, you will need a YouTube channel. Shorts Monetization Module and the YouTube Premium in Shorts Feed will let you earn money. 

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to start making money from YouTube shorts. 

Step 1: Establish your YouTube channel, and if you have not created one, create one. 

Step 2: You will have to fulfill the requirements of joining the YouTube Partnership Program. (We list them later in the blog) 

Step 3: Start uploading YouTube shorts to your channel. Ensure that the content you upload aligns with the Copyright rules, YouTube’s community guidelines, and advertiser-friendly guidelines. 

The videos you upload in the shorts section should not include logos or watermarks from other third-party social media channels. 

Step 4: When your channel meets the criteria listed above, you can apply for the YouTube partner program through the YouTube Studio app. To join the YouTube Partner Program, follow the steps below. 

  • 1. Download the YouTube Studio app on your mobile device (Android or iOS). The Studio app is different from the usual YouTube app. 
  • 2. At the bottom of the screen, you will see an option that says “Earn.” Tap on that.
  • 3. Select “Apply” to get started with the program application procedure. 
  • 4. Next, click “Start” to review and accept the base terms. 
  • 5. If you have to create an Adsense account, click “Start” or link an existing one. 

The application procedure is slightly different on the desktop. 

  • 1. Sign in to the YouTube account from your desktop. 
  • 2. On the right-hand corner of the screen, click on your profile picture and then select “YouTube Studio.”
  • 3. On the left menu, click “Earn” and then select “Apply.” 
  • 4. You will then have to review and accept the base terms. Click “Start” for that. 
  • 5. Link your existing AdSense account, create a new one, and click “Start.” 
  • This is when you have successfully applied for the program, and your application will be moved to the “Review” queue. The platform will check whether your channel meets all guidelines and policies. 

You can also check the status of your application, and you can do that from the “Earn” section of YouTube Studio. 

If things are in line and you meet all the requirements, your application to join the YPP will be approved. Once approved, you can get started with making shorts and making money from your content. 

Note: YouTube as a platform sometimes stops monetization of shorts if a channel hasn’t posted for six months or more. Hence, you should continue making shorts for your channel so that you can keep earning money. 

Can You Monetize YouTube Shorts?

In short, you can monetize YouTube shorts, as you can monetize the usual long-form YouTube videos. 

To date, it is estimated that artists, media, and creators have made over $50 million through YouTube content. However, shorts are something new, and they were not an original part of the partner program of YouTube, YPP.

It was in late 2022 that the platform announced its monetizations, and since then, users are focusing on the same. YouTube shorts also enable people to earn money from their work. 

How Do YouTube Shorts Work?

Monetizing YouTube shorts is a bit complicated, and there are a few things that you should understand better. Four different sources are used, and you can monetize YouTube shorts. 

Initially, YouTube introduced the YouTube Shorts Fund in 2021, which was a fund of $100 million. The motive behind it was to encourage and motivate content creators who create the most engaging short-form content. 

However, the platform discontinued this model after it launched the YouTube Shorts ad revenue-sharing model in 2023. Take a deep dive into the four sources below.         

#1. Revenue Sharing Of YouTube Shorts

Under this model, you will get a share of the revenue that is being generated from the ads shown in between the Shorts. The platform calculates each creator’s share with the help of a four-step formula. 

  • The platform adds revenue from all the ads in between videos. 
  • The money to be paid for music licensing of tracks is straightaway paid. The leftover money goes to the creator pool. 
  • Some percentage of the entire creator pool is allocated to every creator based on the reach of their content in a specific location. 
  • YouTube’s share revenue formula is that you get 45% of the share, and they take 55%. 

#2. YouTube Fan Funding

After monetizing your content on YouTube, you are also eligible for fan funding. It includes Super Chat, Super Thanks, Channel Memberships, and Super Stickers. The highly relevant ones are Super Thanks and Channel Memberships. 

Super Thanks is an appreciation by the fans to the creators. After deducting the taxes, you will get 70% of the share of super thanks. 

On the contrary, channel membership is another fan-funding program that allows creators to reward their fans with live streams, emojis, badges, and more. 

#3. YouTube Premium Subscriptions

The model is similar to the Ad revenue sharing option, where you get payments based on the views your content gets in your country. Under this model, the formula applies to only subscription Shorts views. 

The formula is described as follows, YouTube will pay out only 45% of the revenue made for YouTube shorts. Another portion of the YouTube premium earnings are used to pay the fees of music licensing. 

#4. YouTube Shopping

Besides earning from Ad revenue and YouTube Premium, you can also earn from YouTube shopping by promoting your products on YouTube shorts. To feature products in your content, you can also tag them while uploading Shorts. 

It will add a product overlay in your Shorts, and users can browse for the product and also purchase directly without leaving the platform. 

After going through the working of YouTube Shorts, you should also know whether your channel is eligible for monetization or not. Let us now go through the eligibility criteria for monetizing YouTube shorts. 

Eligibility Criteria For Monetizing YouTube Shorts

YouTube has defined a region where its YouTube Partner Program is valid. In addition to the region, your YouTube channel should fulfill a few other criteria to monetize short-form videos. The other requirements include an active AdSense account and two-step verification. 

To fulfill the above requirements, you need to have the following:

  • 1,000 subscribers and around 10 million public views on Shorts during the last 90 days. or
  • 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 valid watch hours publicly in the long-form video content. 

In addition to fulfilling the above requirements, there are a few YouTube guidelines that you should consider. 

i. YouTube has an originality policy under which you cannot upload the content of other creators on your channel and get it monetized. It includes clips from movies or any TV show. 

You can, however, add a spin to other’s content, like making a remix video. If not, your videos should be original. 

ii. The creators should follow YouTube’s community guidelines. It includes AdSense policies, Terms of Service, Copyright guidelines, etc. 

In short, you should create advertiser-friendly content and should adhere to the guidelines outlined by YouTube. 

iii. Your account should be free from the Community Guidelines strikes. 

The public watch hours on your Shorts is a requirement that needs to consider the watch hours threshold of long-form content. However, achieving watch hours for Shorts is relatively easy, and you should primarily focus on Shorts. 

Requirements Of YouTube Shorts Monetization 

The best thing about updates to the YouTube Partner Program is that the platform has made it easy for smaller channels to grow. Let us go through the basic requirements to make your channel eligible for Shorts Monetization. 

The basic requirements that you should meet are; 

  • At least three public videos have been posted on your channel in the last three months. 
  • A minimum of 500 subscribers on the channel. 
  • There must have been a minimum of 3000 watch hours in the past year or 3 million views on Shorts during the last 90 days. 

Once your channel meets the above-listed requirements, you can earn revenue by creating short-form content. If you find it difficult to achieve the watch hours mark of 3000 hours, you can use YouTube cards. 

The YouTube cards can be placed in long-form content in a way to incentivize your prospects to watch your Shorts. The video that they are currently playing will be related to the ones you create, so they may be interested in watching another video. 

You can check out a comprehensive guide on YouTube cards to learn more about them and understand them better. After submitting your application to join the YouTube Partner Program, it usually takes them 2-4 weeks before they start monetizing a particular channel. 

How Much Can You Earn Through YouTube Shorts Monetization? 

The money that a creator makes from YouTube Shorts usually differs in range. You can make anywhere around $0.01-$0.06 for every 1000 Shorts views. However, the amount paid for Shorts is lower than what is paid by the platform for long-form content. 

The average paid-for long-form videos is $1.5 – $2.5. However, the creators can still expect to make somewhere between $1.61 and $29.30 for every 1000 views. Having said that, the earnings of different creators is different, and you need to focus on the quality of your Shorts to be able to earn more. 

To earn a good amount of money, you will need hundreds of millions of views on YouTube shorts. Also, keep posting content so that the income is consistent from YouTube. 

Rules Of YouTube Shorts Monetization! 

You should be well aware of the fact that if you have been enjoying your share of revenue from content creation, the platform wants every creator to get fair chances. Besides fulfilling all the required policies and complying with the guidelines of different programs, you should also comply with the new terms.                       

  • Shorts Monetization Module: This module is the star of the entire YouTube Shorts Monetization module. Ads are played between Shorts, and the revenue collected from these ads is stored in the Creator Pool. Based on specific metrics, the revenue is then distributed among the creators. 
  • Watch Page Monetization Module: As a creator, you will continue earning money from the ads running across the platform under this module. It can be between live streams, long-form content, and YouTube premium content. 
  • Commerce Product Module: This module is one of the simplest and covers revenues collected from different sources. It includes the money collected from Super Stickers, Super Chat, Super Thanks, and Channel Memberships. 

Besides earning money from monetizing your content on YouTube, there are other ways in which you can earn money. 

4 other ways to make money with YouTube shorts

Earning money through monetization is lucrative for some. Some people only rely on ads, and there are other ways to earn money from this medium. 

#1. Join an affiliate program.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most widely used marketing techniques where affiliate links are posted in the comments section of Shorts. If there is a purchase from your link, you will earn a commission. 

#2. Work with brands

If you don’t want to use affiliate links, you can directly connect with the brands and work with them. This is a broad spectrum, and you can earn money in different ways through this. 

#3. Patreon

Patreon is a subscription-based platform where, as a creator, you will get support from your fans. You need to give them exclusive content, and in return, you will get benefits. It is an excellent way of supplementing your income, which is also earned through ads. 

#4. Sell Merchandise

Many content creators earn well by taking this step, besides monetized content. You can sell merchandise to your dedicated fanbase. The merchandise can be generic or something related to your content. It can be hats, t-shirts, and more. 

When Can You Not Get Your YouTube Shorts Monetized?

A few times, users need help to monetize their channel. Because of a few underlying reasons, you must be facing difficulties with monetizing your YouTube shorts. 

  • Your channel must not have met the threshold limit of Short views, watch hours, and subscribers. 
  • Your channel must unknowingly violate YouTube’s community guidelines or the copyright policies laid by the platform. 
  • YouTube must view some portion of your content on YouTube shorts as ineligible. 
  • Your channel’s monetization setting on YouTube Studio must be incorrect or incomplete. 

Besides the things necessary for a channel to get monetized, there are a few requirements of the platform. 

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Final Thoughts 

If you are already into making long-form content for YouTube, creating shorts is a very easy task. You just need to focus on creating and publishing entertaining, entertaining, and original content. To maximize your reach and earnings, consider using that can help you optimize your content and engage with your audience.

It can help you earn the most money; without support, you can earn from advertisers and brands. YouTube has rolled out several opportunities for people to earn money, and you must take advantage of them if you want to earn personal income. 

Pay attention to YouTube Shorts, and get started with obtaining the benefits. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I monetize YouTube shorts?

Yes, YouTube Shorts can be monetized, and you can earn a good amount by monetizing your channel. However, the earnings will differ from what is typically earned from long-form content.

How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views on YouTube shorts?

The earnings for YouTube shorts vary based on several factors. Therefore, the payout for 1000 views is not the same for all. The money made from 1,000 views on Shorts varies from $0.01 to $0.06. The payout will definitely depend on the quality of the content you upload.

Do YouTube shorts count as watch hours?

No, the watch time of YouTube shorts does not add up to the overall watch time of your channel.

Can I lose YouTube monetization, too, after getting it once?

No, the monetization from your channel for short or long-form content is not automatically removed; if the metrics on your channel fall under the threshold, it holds the rights. At its discretion, YouTube can remove monetization from a channel if it is inactive or not publishing content for more than six months.

How many subscribers will I need to monetize YouTube shorts?

You will need a minimum of 1,000 subscribers to monetize your YouTube Shorts. Besides subscribers, the other requirements are 10 million valid views on the public Shorts over the last 90 days.

How to make $10000+ per month from YouTube shorts?

Start monetizing your content, be consistent in posting and focus on the quality of content. If you are not touching the $10000 mark with monetized Shorts content, you can take the other routes to earn more.

Samuel B. Gillham
Written By Samuel B. Gillham

As the digital age rapidly unfolds, Samuel B. Gillham remains a pivotal figure for many aspiring to grasp its depths. His insights, derived from a vast reservoir of experience, touch upon the fine balance of technological prowess and personal evolution. Samuel offers more than just tech expertise; he crafts narratives that inspire growth. His adeptness in seamlessly merging the realms of SEO, blog...

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