How To Make A YouTube Video
  • author Written By Samuel B. Gillham
  • comments 0 comment
  • calander Publish Date : May 16, 2024
  • calander Last Update : July 27, 2024
  • clock2 20 min read

YouTube is the platform creators use to share long-form video tutorials. Therefore, it is not surprising that 500 hours of video are posted to the platform every minute.

As of 2024, YouTube has over 2.70 billion active subscribers, providing an extensive platform for individuals and brands. 

If you’re considering embracing the world of video with the most widely used social network for sharing videos online, this guide is the best way to prepare even for beginners. Along with it, learn the art of YouTube video making from how to make a YouTube video beginner’s guide TechSmith to master the skill.

How To Make A YouTube Video? (Beginner’s Guide)

Make A YouTube Video

If you are also struggling with how to begin your YouTube career, this post will help you with a step-by-step guide for creating a YouTube video to reach your desired goal easily.

Step 1:  Make a strategy for your video 

Strategy is the key to success in any task. It shows us the list of the work we need to complete to be successful. Similarly, if you plan to create a YouTube video, you can include the below-discussed pointers in your strategy to make it fruitful.

1. Choose the correct topic:

The topic or niche of the YouTube video will make it popular on the platform. That is why it’s important to choose a topic that raises the public’s curiosity- something that can hook viewers on your created videos and keep them coming back.

Your YouTube video ideas will only be worthwhile if they relate to the audience that you are trying to reach. 

2. Find your exact audience for YouTube

Before creating or writing about YouTube video content, ask yourself, “Who is my audience?” Your understanding of your audience will influence almost all of your high-quality YouTube-related decisions. 

While having a comprehensive understanding of facts is useful, consider your audience.

  • What issues do they have?
  • What knowledge do they require?
  • What knowledge does your video impart to them?
  • In what ways does your video help them?

If you cannot answer these simple inquiries, you should look further. Your responses to these audience queries will direct the planning and production of your YouTube video content creation.

3. Find your niche and drop broad topics

Building a connection with relatable problems is what makes your content stand out. Focus on your niche audience, find their problems and struggles and accordingly create content that matches audience’s vibe.

Concentrate on your video tutorial content to help the viewer accomplish their objectives. Suppose, you’re selling clothing, ensure covering all details in the video that the audience understands in order to succeed. 

4. Drop perfect; go with everything you have

We understand that it might be alluring to look at popular YouTubers and feel that you have to create high-quality videos similar to theirs to captivate a large audience simultaneously. 

But don’t worry; we’re all on the same level, whether you’re a company co-founder or an independent creator since everyone has a starting point.

5. What should you do if you find yourself wanting to make it flawless?

To begin, pose a few questions to yourself:

If these adjustments are made, would my audience be able to comprehend the video’s intended message?

  • Will you reach your goal with the video as it is?
  • Is there anything in the video that the viewer will be adversely affected by?
  • What could go wrong if the present version is made public as is?
  • Is there another project you could work on with the time you could be spending editing?

After you’ve answered these questions, permit yourself to go on. Overemphasizing the creation of an ideal video can ultimately lead to self-imposed limitations.

6. Define goals by asking questions to yourself

When you examine what your audience expects and values, a few activities can help you refine your goal. Here are some tips for defining your audience from YouTube experts who have mastered their skills through extensive practice and labor. Once you are aware of who your audience is, you must develop content that fits your persona. When you start, you should pinpoint your audience as precisely as possible.

Step 2: Find a place for your video on YouTube 

It is crucial for a quality video to stand out among the crowd of other videos. Consider the below points to create the work that everybody remembers.

1. Make content good for the audience

Several video tutorials are available on the YouTube platform, but only a few have millions of viewers because of the quality of the content. A good video contains beneficial and authentic information that the viewers want to see and share with others. 

2. Make content good for the search engines 

A video can only be successful with viewers! When you consider Search Engine Optimization (SEO) during making your content. While there is plenty to study and figure out, getting your content in front of searchers is the critical goal. Hence, understand how SEO will apply to your work so anyone searching your niche can see your training videos first.

3. Relatable content gets brownie points 

Several videos exist on one topic, but only a few went viral. The reason is relatability. When you create something your audience can relate to, they continue to see that content. If the content is not relatable, it creates boredom or uninterest, and instead of watching the video, the audience moves to a different video tutorial. 

Step 3: Explore YouTube topics and ideas 

Now that you know your audience, you may ask yourself, “What should I make a YouTube video about?” 

Assume you manage an online clothing company. Your focus should be on new designers who come with the latest designs. Some ideas for your first video tutorial could be “How to upgrade your clothes with fabulous combinations” or “How to revive old dresses.”

That’s a beautiful start, but if you want more ideas than what you included at the beginning, here are some suggestions for the most significant resources to get ideas and themes highly relevant to your target audience.

Read: Launching Your YouTube Channel: 40 Youtube Channel Ideas and Expert Tips

1. Search on YouTube 

One of the most excellent methods for finding what people seek is to use YouTube search. Try a quick YouTube search for an idea of content to see what results you get. After that, examine the search results to see whether the market is crowded or if there is still an opportunity to produce a distinctive, worthwhile version. Use the search field to type some keywords to find content on YouTube. When you use the auto-suggest/autocomplete option, YouTube will provide more suggested terms.

2. Check the comments section of relatable content 

One excellent source of ideas for YouTube video tutorial subjects is the comments section of articles and videos. Viewers often make suggestions for new subjects or pose queries that can point to potential directions for content selection. 

3. Look for communities and groups 

Discover people with similar interests who will motivate and support you on your journey via Twitter, Facebook groups, or membership organizations. Don’t let the thought that you must tackle it alone demotivate you. Locate a group with whom you may discuss ideas and pose inquiries. By connecting with such groups you will leave with a few new (and superior) video tutorial ideas to work with.

4. Take a survey 

It’s worthwhile to find out what kinds of content your audience, limited though it may be, would prefer to see. This method quickly identifies what your audience wants to watch, study, and know and accordingly plan your video tutorials.

Step 4: YouTube tools and equipment for beginners 

It’s common to feel overburdened and need more YouTube equipment to finish your video. Having fancy gear is exciting, and there’s no denying that better gear can result in higher-quality videos & audio. 

Remember that highly specialized equipment can be challenging to operate and take much time, take help from training videos to become proficient. However, a smartphone, some ingenuity, and essential video editing software (Premiere Pro) can accomplish a great deal.

Step 5: Learn how the first video should be

YouTube users produce a wide variety of training videos. The ideal is an instructional video. 83% of individuals would rather watch videos than read or listen to text-based or audio-based instructive or informative content.

An excellent method to start is with an introductory instructional or training video. A video tutorial merely responds to inquiries. It can be about uploading your video tutorial more effectively on social media platforms. In either case, you’re imparting your wealth of information to them. 

For instance, if you could share any plantation tips in your training videos? Make a list of all the questions a plant lover would have, then turn that list into a series of video tutorials of how-to.

Step 6: Set up for the video  

It’s time to start creating your video clip because you know your audience, have your topics selected, and know what tutorial content to create. Despite its formal appearance, a script is a handy tool for maintaining focus. Arrange the angles, photos, graphics, and other visual elements corresponding to each conversation line. 

#1. Prepare a script 

A brief framework can assist you in addressing your points of view and is preferable to pushing track without any preparation if a script appears overwhelming.

#2. Organize your desk 

Excessive clutter on and off the screen is one of the biggest mistakes you want to avoid when recording yourself. Your workspace should be tidy and presentable whether you’re filming a video clip at your business, residence, or desk. Better yet, use a DSLR camera as your webcam to capture higher-quality video clips than an external webcam hidden behind your laptop.

You can arrange your workstation to produce the ideal video by following these steps:

#3. Set the space for the video 

If you can’t have a blank, monochromatic wall, ensure everything in your setting is as uncluttered as possible. Instead of focusing on the artwork on your wall, you want people to stare at you.

#4. Escape outdoor light 

If you are recording in a room, avoid shooting in front of a window. Instead, take a position facing or close to the window as regulating the amount of natural light might be challenging, this is also an excellent way to improve your lighting.

#5. Check the positions of your camera 

To avoid forcing your potential audience to look up at you, angle your camera at eye level. Do not place yourself in the exact middle of the canvas; instead, follow the Rule of Thirds.

Step 7: Start recording 

While recording, select your preferred screen recorder and follow your script. Our extensive library of tutorial films is ideal for anyone who needs to create educational videos for YouTube. Make your recording as straightforward or intricate as you like. Record your webcam to add personality, an intro, or music, or share it by pressing the record button.

  • Switch on screen recording 
  • Hit the Record button at the top of the tools panel to begin recording. 
  • Set your settings 

Initially, it would help if you decided whether to capture the entire screen or only a specific area.

Next, select additional inputs to record in addition to the screen. Available options include webcam, microphone, and system audio. Click the double or down arrows next to each to select a particular webcam or microphone.

Tap “Start Recording”.

#1. Complete your recording


Click the recorder icon in the taskbar to stop the recording. If necessary, you can select “delete” to begin recording again.

👉Quick Tip press “F9” to pause and continue recording or “F10” to end recording.


Tap the Apple menu bar icon and select “Stop Recording” to end the recording. Alternatively, select “Start Over” to begin again.

👉Quick Tip: To halt or resume a recording, use “CMD+OPTION+2” or “CMD+SHIFT+2”.

Step 8: Video Editing 

Editing videos is one of the most enjoyable and lengthy video creation aspects. And it might undoubtedly be the most difficult for beginners but a high-quality video tends to derive more attention.

Here are a few quick adjustments to get you going:

#1. Trim blank spaces/mistakes 

We frequently record more at the start and end of a session. Drag the clip’s end “in” to eliminate the extra material. We call this cutting. You can restore the video by dragging the clip back if you cut the video too much.

It is important to remember that any changes you make to the timeline will not impact the original recording in the media bin.

#2. You can choose the cut option 

Drag the red or green handle on the play head to select the part to be removed, and then click the cut button. A stitched line that emerges indicates the location of the cut. Premiere pro is a tool that can help you create high-quality content before the final edit.

Double-clicking the playhead will bring it back together after you’ve made a pick.

#3. Add titles, transitions, effects, and more

You can give your movies a polished, professional appearance by adding captivating titles, annotations, effects, and other elements. To do so, click and drag the elements from the tools panel to the canvas or timeline.

#4. Tips for video editing 

You can learn all the outstanding aspects of creating videos and video editing from countless online resources. Let’s discuss some more typical improvements that might bring out the best in your video.

#5. Simple introduction 

An introductory video guides people into the subject matter. Write a brief and straightforward introduction. Create videos that would want people to dive right into your material. They could care less about anything besides what you said you would teach them.

A playlist, a single video, or every video on your YouTube channel can have an introduction.

#6. Add music

The next thing you should do is include music in your film. Selecting the music you wish to use will generally take longer than adding it to your video.

The best option for most video creators is to use music from a high-end, royalty-free website. While these websites usually have a fabulous selection of excellent music, they are usually expensive.

#7. Voice-over or clear audio

Audiate records your voice-over as you speak. Make sure any music in your video is consistent with your voice-over. Be bold and incorporate some beats, but remember that your audience is there to absorb knowledge.

Focus on the sound when you’re editing your final product. Close your eyes and concentrate solely on your video. No matter how good your footage or screen content is, if it sounds off, adjust it.

#8. Compelling CTA 

The conclusion of your YouTube video, often known as the end screen- is an excellent place to include a specific call to action, a few steps, and share knowledge that will increase engagement.

On YouTube, there are four distinct content kinds known as elements that you can employ in your end screens. These quartet of components are:

You can use this to link to a different single video or a YouTube playlist containing several videos.

  • Provide a link to your channel so visitors can click to Subscribe or comment.
  • You can create a link to an alternate YouTube channel with this channel.
  • Create a link to an authorized website to access content other than YouTube.

Step 9: Upload the video 

YouTube uploading is easy. All you have to do is sign into your YouTube account.

#1. Give a unique title to the video 

It will create curiosity and interest in viewers to click on your video link.

#2. Add description 

Descriptions allow you to use more words to hook your audience. So explain in crisp words what your audience will get to watch your video.

#3. Thumbnail 

The thumbnail is a quick way to check out the video.

Step 10: Optimize your video 

When creating your video, concentrate on critical components to ensure it plays correctly on YouTube. A strategic video will increase your chances of ranking on YouTube.

#1. Work on keywords popular on Google 

Google receives 3.5 billion queries daily. Many how-to-based searches now return YouTube videos as results.

These YouTube videos come up in a variety of search intent. Search terms like “how to maintain my bike” or “how to replace fuse” will direct you to the most popular YouTube videos on Google.

#2. Increase the time for your videos 

In general, long-form videos have a higher ranking than shorter ones.

Longer videos will appear higher in search results on YouTube.

Videos on YouTube’s first page typically last 14 minutes and 50 seconds.

The two primary ranking factors—total watch time and total session time—relate to this. In essence, YouTube will prioritize films that offer value and encourage users to stay on the site for as long as possible. 

Consider how you might expand your films as you plan them and how you delve further into your next video or other videos to produce a film that is even more beneficial than just adding content.

#3. Use keywords verbally in your video 

When transcribing your video for YouTube, aim to include your primary keyword once or twice in the script. As well as follow audio instructions, use a free template, clip speed, interactive elements, relevant keywords to grap viewer’s attention.

#4. Make your introduction unique 

YouTube’s key to success is engagement. Within the first ten seconds, give users an incentive to watch for as long as possible. Provide a teaser for your subsequent discussion and an incentive to watch your video.

#5. Ask your users to… 

After the video, please leave a comment, like, subscribe, and visit your website. Additionally, people are more inclined to interact with your YouTube channel if you produce encouraging and valuable videos.

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5 Tips for How to Make a High-Quality YouTube Video 

With these resources, you will understand the fundamentals of video creation and hone practical skills that apply to making high-quality YouTube videos.

#1. Mic for videos 

A microphone will enhance the overall quality of your video and audio, whether it is for your mobile device, camera, or digital recorder. Although it need not be costly, a good microphone is worth the investment to improve the audio instructions & video quality.

#2. Screen Recorder 

Please choose a screen recording software with integrated sharing, editing, and recording capabilities. It will allow you to do everything with just one tool, saving time.

#3. Video Editor 

Video editors work like magicians on your video clip. High-quality YouTube videos with proper lighting effects make them presentable. It has many qualities to improve the visual aesthetics to attract your audience’s attention in a limited time. It also leads them to click on the right-hand corner button of the subscription.

#4. Lighting techniques 

Video clip lighting dramatically affects how you appear and the overall video tutorial quality of any video you shoot with a camera or webcam. Lighting in videos shot on mobile devices may look fantastic, making it an intelligent investment. Given that lighting is a synthesis of science and art, having a basic set will enable you to produce a video that looks professional.

#5. Webcam or professional camera 

Investments in cameras can run from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Although DSLRs and other high-end cameras can significantly enhance the appearance of your video, they also introduce a tonne of settings and options that need to be controlled, making filming your video more difficult. 

Remember that most likely in your pocket, backpack, or purse is a pretty decent camera. Most modern smartphones have full HD (1080p) video recording capabilities.


Now that you know how to make a YouTube video effectively, you can start your YouTube tutorial channel with total energy and determination once you have good content for your YouTube Channel. These above-mentioned steps can make a big difference in your journey as a content creator. 

The basic gear of creating YouTube tutorial videos is to extend the frame of your thinking. Observe small things around you and other groups of YouTube platforms to develop something magnificent out of it.

You can also hire experts from, a social media promotion site where you get the required guidance to create an impact on YouTube with their exceptional services and knowledge about these platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the topics to curate the video about?

You may get topics to curate YouTube videos that your audience is interested in using many different methods. Primary things are communities, comment sections, and YouTube searches.

Which is the most liked type of video on YouTube?

YouTube is home to a wide variety of user-generated videos, including instructional videos, among the most popular categories of videos marketers fund. Thanks to that, you have many excellent tutorial videos to start with.

How do YouTubers edit their videos?

Although YouTubers use many different applications to edit their videos, you can find the ideal program by exploring the site. If you want to learn more about any tool, starting with basic video editing features, watch the brief YouTube video tutorial about video editing software.

How is it possible to make a video without a professional camera?

One excellent method for creating a YouTube video without a camera is recording your screen. Choose screen recording software with integrated editing, sharing, and recording capabilities. You can complete all your tutorial videos with a single tool, saving time.

What are the tools and equipment you need to make a video on YouTube?

It's common to feel overburdened and need more equipment to finish your video. Start with a basic video editor and your phone or screen recorder, then switch to pro equipment.

Will I be able to make money from YouTube?

The following YouTube features allow you to monetize your account: Income from advertising, like making money using Shorts Feed and Watch Page advertisements and Shopping affiliate programs. If you are new to YouTube, you can buy subscribers from authentic sites like to boost your popularity. Then, you can earn money from your YouTube tutorial account.

What are the tips to make videos popular on YouTube?

One quick fix way is to buy YouTube subscribers from genuine sites like It will increase your views, likes & shares. That leads to popularity. Along with it, regularly consider the pointers below to make your video tutorial popular : Create quality material that is unique to you. Consider video tutorial series rather than individual videos. Learn the basics of YouTube SEO. Connect with other training video producers' content. Compose a blog article for every tutorial video clip.

Do YouTubers get paid monthly?

Yes, the platform pays its creators monthly under the YouTube Partner Program.

How to find the correct audience for my video?

Consider the below points to find the correct audience for your video tutorial: Audience's interests Use keywords and tags in the tutorial Share the video tutorial Engage with viewers' tutorial Collaborate with other creators

Is shorts better than full-time videos?

If you're new to YouTube, posting short clips is a great way to establish and grow your channel at first and then move to full-time video.

Samuel B. Gillham
Written By Samuel B. Gillham

As the digital age rapidly unfolds, Samuel B. Gillham remains a pivotal figure for many aspiring to grasp its depths. His insights, derived from a vast reservoir of experience, touch upon the fine balance of technological prowess and personal evolution. Samuel offers more than just tech expertise; he crafts narratives that inspire growth. His adeptness in seamlessly merging the realms of SEO, blog...

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