How To Boost Followers On TikTok For Entrepreneurship Videos
  • author Written By Rebecca Adley
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  • calander Publish Date : May 13, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 7 min read

Are you a passionate entrepreneur who is also a TikTok content creator?

If you love making videos on emerging startups and business trends, then this comprehensive guide will help you gain TikTok followers for your entrepreneurship content. 

TikTok’s influence is huge; in fact, by 2027, TikTok alone will reach the mark of 2.2 billion monthly active users, and you can’t miss the chance to grow your TikTok following and make an authority with your entrepreneurship content. 

While organic growth is essential, sometimes you may need a boost to reach your target audience faster. Buying TikTok followers can be a strategic move to increase your visibility and attract more organic followers.

So, let’s find out ways to reach your target audience on TikTok who loves your content and boost your follower count to a new high. Let’s get started!

Steps to Boost Followers On TikTok For Entrepreneurship Videos?

To gain more TikTok followers for entrepreneurship video content, you have to overcome the competition in this niche. These are a few strategies that will help you stand out among other TikTok creators and build authority on the platform solely through your content. 

1. Use business-related and trending hashtags

Hashtags are important on TikTok like they are helpful to trend on Instagram. Therefore, you must use business-related hashtags in all your video captions if you want to reach more people and gain more followers for your content.

To begin with hashtags, you can use a few, like #Entrepreneurship, #BusinessTips, or #StartupLife. Before including a hashtag, see if it is trending, and then add the relevant hashtags in your latest video. These hashtags will help your content appear in your target audience’s feed. 

2. Tap on the latest TikTok challenges and trends 

Another way to gain more followers is to participate in TikTok trends and challenges that are happening in the community. 

For example, people are curious about how a startup owner’s life differs from theirs. You can create one such video with the trend’s hashtag, and if your video really starts trending, you may gain a few more followers; who knows?

Even top brands like participate in TikTok challenges to gain more followers. They did one six-day TikTok challenge called #Inmydenim that helped them gain over 12000 followers within just a few days. 

3. Collaborate with influencers related to your niche

Collaboration is a method that will always bring in more followers for you. This is because this is the only method that helps you reach an audience base already interested in the type of content you create. 

So, you can identify influencers and creators within the entrepreneur niche and then collaborate with them. For example, you can use TikTok’s duet feature to collaborate with your favorite creator in your niche. 

4. Start a content series with emerging entrepreneurs

The next method is a creative one. You can start a content series titled Stories of Real Business Owners and create small clips from the lives of emerging entrepreneurs.

People love stories and this content series can help you reach your target audience in no time. To begin with, you can reach out to a friend who owns a business and is willing to share his journey online. 

5. Cross-promote your TikTok account on other platforms

You must cross-promote if you have been creating entrepreneurship videos on your other social media platforms. Sometimes, your loyal followers are unaware of your other social media handles.

If your audience loves your content on Instagram, they will likely follow you on TikTok, too. You just need to tell them. Therefore, always include the link to your TikTok profile in your Instagram and Facebook bios.   

6. Add closed captions in all your videos 

Some people watch TikTok videos on mute by choice, and some do that due to their disability. Therefore, including captions is considered good practice when creating TikTok videos.

Also, including captions has SEO benefits, too. Therefore, always add captions to all your TikTok videos. You can add these captions either manually or via the auto-caption feature of TikTok.  

7. Include CTAs at the end of your videos to prompt action

Everyone uses this method and the reason is this simply works. So, every time you create a helpful video for your audience or make some educational content, you can include a CTA at the end of your video saying something like, ‘Follow for more tips.’

CTAs act as reminders for viewers when they forget to hit that follow button. Thus, with your compelling and creative CTAs, you can gather the attention of your audience and even gain followers for your entrepreneurship videos. 

8. Use TikTok features to boost audience engagement

TikTok has many features that can help you drive audience engagement and gain more followers. This increased engagement can help in your follower growth by feeding the algorithm in your account’s favor.

For example, you can use polls to gather audience feedback or spark curiosity among your audience. You can post questions and get more people to interact with your account.  

When more people interact with your polls, it boosts the audience engagement on your profile, influencing TikTok’s algorithm and gaining you more followers.  

9. Create engaging product tutorials

If you are also promoting your own business on TikTok while creating entrepreneurship content, you can showcase your products to gain more followers. 

For example, you can create detailed product tutorials on how customers can use your products and how your product can benefit them in their lives. These tutorials will not only help you gain more followers but also drive more product sales.  

10. Establish authenticity with BTS videos

Being authentic is your forte to rule TikTok and gain more followers. To be more real with your audience, you can share some behind-the-scenes glimpses from your own entrepreneurial journey. 

If you are a creator who shares educational content for people interested in entrepreneurship, you can share with them the resources you use to keep yourself updated with the latest business trends. 

Every such practice will get you closer to your audience and improve your connection with them. This is really helpful in the long run for a creator, as loyal fans can also turn into loyal customers.

Now, here’s the deal: all of these methods work if you apply them with a proper content strategy. Also, gaining a TikTok audience is a continuous process. But if you want better results in a shorter time frame. We have some proven strategies for you.  

3 Strategies To Grow Startup Or Business’s TikTok following 

If you own a startup or business, you can use these strategies to boost entrepreneurship videos and gain more followers on your TikTok account.  

These will require an initial investment, but they can truly bring in results and grow your TikTok entrepreneurship followers to a new level. 

#1 Use TikTok Ads

TikTok ads have better reach than other promotional methods. So, if you have the budget, you can use TikTok ads to promote your content and gain more followers for your entrepreneurship content.

#2 Upgrade to TikTok pro account 

The next strategy you must try is upgrading to a TikTok Pro account. A pro account will give you access to some valuable analytics about your audience. You can use these insights to improve your content strategy.  

#3 Invest in TikTok growth services

This is the most effective method for gaining more TikTok followers for your entrepreneurship videos. You can invest in growth service providers to improve your follower count. 

There are various services and agencies that are providing TikTok growth services. You can visit their websites and then decide to invest with them For example, is one such website that lets you add genuine followers to your TikTok account while following TikTok’s guidelines.

You can try out both free methods and paid strategies to grow your following for entrepreneurship content.

But when you are creating content, you are bound to face the creator’s block and fall short of content ideas. That’s when you can tap on emerging trends and business news to create unique videos. 

Emerging Business Trends and Content Ideas for TikTok in 2024

Trends on TikTok keep evolving. But in the present year, these are the latest business trends that are ruling TikTok. You can use these trends to generate unique content and grow on TikTok. 

  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • NFTs and Digital Assets
  • Remote Work and Digital Nomadism
  • E-commerce and Dropshipping
  • Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
  • Startup Tips for TikTok

These businesses and industries are trending on TikTok, so if you want to gain more followers, you must start creating content related to these industries. If you want content ideas to begin with, here are a few of them. 

Content Ideas for Entrepreneurship Videos 

  • Startup stories of successful entrepreneurs
  • Case studies of both failed and top businesses
  • Educational Series on concepts of entrepreneurship
  • Practical business tips and hacks
  • A series on business trend interpretation
  • Business book reviews and recommendations
  • Industry insights with experts 

Now, you can merge these business trends and ideas to create unique content on TikTok and achieve business content growth. For example, you can pick one business trend, like Remote Work and Digital Nomadism, and create a content series with experts in this field.

You can interview the experts in this field or share content on how they achieved success and create helpful content for your audience to gain followers for your TikTok account. 

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Boost TikTok Follower Count By Educating Your Audience 

When trying to gain more followers for your TikTok account, the same old phrase applies. Content is the king, the king that will help you win.

While the strategies and methods mentioned above will assist your growth on TikTok, all efforts will be in vain if your content is not helpful. 

Therefore, if you want to boost your follower count with magic numbers, you must educate your audience with insights about your industry and offer them practical advice they can apply in real life. 

In addition to focusing on compelling content, you can invest in to amplify your reach and engage with a broader audience.When your content is helpful and relatable to your audience, no one can stop you from growing and ruling on TikTok. So combine these content ideas with the methods and achieve your target follower count on TikTok this year!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get more followers on TikTok for business?

Participate in all the latest TikTok challenges and trends to reach new audiences and gain them as your followers. You can also use TikTok ads to promote your already published entrepreneurship video content on the platform.

How do I get 1000 followers on TikTok faster for entrepreneurship videos?

You can invest in a social media growth service platform that provides real and genuine TikTok followers. For example, is one such platform where you can get real TikTok followers at competitive prices.

How to engage with other startups or businesses on TikTok?

You can begin by commenting on their videos and sharing how you liked their content. Initiate conversations with them, or you can reach out to them via the direct messages feature of TikTok.

How do I attract more followers on TikTok?

Use trending hashtags and music to create videos to gain more TikTok entrepreneurship followers. You must share content that resonates with your target audience. When people will find your content relatable they will hit that follow button almost instantly.

How many followers do you need to get paid on TikTok?

You must have at least 10000 active TikTok followers to monetize your TikTok account. Also, as an additional requirement, you must have 100000 authentic views on your content in the last 30 days.

 Rebecca Adley
Written By Rebecca Adley

Meet Rebecca Adley, a name synonymous with social media mastery. Her journey began in the heart of a bustling digital marketing agency, where she delved deep into the intricacies of SEO, unraveling the mysteries of online visibility. Blogging soon became her canvas, where her words painted vivid pictures and spun compelling narratives. Entrepreneurs sought her out for her ability to infuse life in...

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