Best Tiktok Videos Length to Get More Views
  • author Written By Samuel B. Gillham
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  • calander Publish Date : July 09, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 19 min read

With over one billion monthly active users, TikTok has become more than just a social media platform for entertainment. It is now a valuable marketing tool for businesses and creators’ economies.

TikTok started as a platform with a maximum of 15 seconds for its users to create videos and engage with their target audience. But as the platform has evolved, guidelines regarding the TikTok video length have also changed. 

As businesses and creators, you need to keep up with the changing guidelines and trends of this popular social media platform. If you are confused about the ideal length for your TikTok videos, trust us when we say you are not the only one. 

But don’t worry—this blog will provide you with information on the best TikTok video length to increase views and engagement. 

Before we get to that, let's review some basics about the length of TikTok videos.

How Long Can A TikTok Video Be?

The length limit for a video on TikTok differs depending on the content format you are using. Let’s examine it.

  1. TikTok Video Length: 

The length of a TikTok video may vary from 3 seconds to 30 minutes. As a user, you are allowed to choose from various specific durations i.e. 15 seconds, 60 seconds, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, or 30 minutes.  

Please note that the options for 15-minute and 30-minute videos may not be available in all the regions yet.

  1. TikTok Story Length

A TikTok story can be up to 15 seconds long and it disappears after 24 hours. You can post images or videos up to 15 seconds. 

  1. TikTok Carousel

TikTok photo carousels can have anywhere between 1 to 35 images. It plays on users’ feeds as long as it takes them to scroll through all the images.

  1. TikTok Live

You can access the TikTok live feature if your account has over 1000 followers. There is no time limit for TikTok live streams. Your video stream is available for up to 90 days following the stream.

4 Reasons To Get The Best TikTok Video Lengths In 2024

The ideal length for your TikTok video is a metric that can’t be straightforward as there are regular changes in the algorithm and guidelines of TikTok. It depends on which content format you are trying to optimize and what is your end goal. Here’s a detailed guide to the best video lengths for various types of TikTok content in 2024.

1. To get more views

Let’s dissect the ideal TikTok video lengths for getting more views on TikTok:

  • TikTok Video: 15-30 seconds 

If your only goal is to boost the view count, then a video between 15 and 30 seconds is ideal. The audience has a short attention span, so a short video between 15 and 30 seconds is an optimal way to increase the views on your TikTok video. 

This length is sufficient to deliver a quick, engaging message or a punchline that resonates with viewers. This makes them more likely to watch the video multiple times and share it with others.

  • TikTok Story

Stories should be concise and to the point. A 10—to 15-second duration is perfect for capturing attention without causing viewers to lose interest. This brief format ensures that the entire story is viewed. 

This increases the likelihood of repeated views. As stories are often used for quick updates or teaser content, this duration is ideal.

  • TikTok Carousel

Carousels should be short enough to keep viewers swiping through the entire set. Limiting the carousel to 3-5 segments, each 5-10 seconds long, maintains interest. It provides enough content to engage viewers. 

This format works well for showcasing a sequence of events or different aspects of a product or concept.

  • TikTok Live

For live streams, 30-60 minutes is best to attract and retain viewers. This length provides enough time for interaction and engagement while short enough to keep viewers from dropping off. During this time, the host can cover multiple topics and interact with viewers to build a more substantial connection with the audience.

2. For Full Video Watch Time

Let’s look at the ideal TikTok video length if your goal is to make your audience watch your entire video.

  • TikTok Video

To maximize full video watch time, the shorter the video, the better the result. Videos of 7-15 seconds are easy for viewers to watch from start to finish to reduce the drop-off rate. 

This video duration effectively delivers the entire message, making it more likely to be watched in its entirety and even replayed.

  • TikTok Story

As discussed, stories should be short enough to hold attention until the end. A duration of 10-12 seconds is ideal for maximizing watch time. It is brief enough to keep viewers engaged without losing their interest. This length works well for quick, impactful messages or updates.

  • TikTok Carousel

Carousels with 3 segments, each 5-8 seconds long, strike a good balance between being informative and engaging. This format ensures that viewers will likely watch all segments, maximizing the overall watch time. This is an effective way to present a cohesive narrative or showcase different features or products.

  • TikTok Live

For live streams, 20-30 minutes is optimal for maintaining viewer interest and maximizing watch time. The video length is long enough to allow for meaningful interaction and keep viewers engaged with your content. This is a good balance for live sessions focused on Q&A, tutorials, or live demonstrations.

3. For Maximum Engagement

Want maximum engagement on your TikTok Videos? Let’s discuss the ideal TikTok Video length in various formats so you can achieve that:

  • TikTok Video

Videos should be long enough to provide value but short enough to keep viewers interested and maximize engagement. Videos between 21 and 34 seconds are ideal for a more detailed message or story and encourage viewers to like, comment, and share the content.

  • TikTok Story

Stories that are 12 to 15 seconds long tend to generate more engagement. This provides enough time for a call to action or a compelling message directed toward the viewer. Engaging stories prompt viewers to respond quickly through direct messages, likes, or comments.

  • TikTok Carousel

Carousels with 4 to 6 segments, each lasting 5 to 7 seconds, offer a good balance of content depth and brevity. This format encourages viewers to swipe through all segments, which increases interaction. 

The slightly longer duration for each segment allows for more detailed content and prompt discussions from viewers.

  • TikTok Live

For live streams, 45-60 minutes is optimal for maximum engagement. This length allows for in-depth interaction with viewers, which helps foster a stronger connection with your audience. 

During this time, you can engage in extensive Q&A sessions, provide detailed demonstrations, and interact with viewers in real-time. The extended duration encourages active participation, making viewers feel more involved in the live experience.

4. For Different Content Categories 

The optimal TikTok Video length may also vary depending on the type of content you create and your target audience. Let’s have a look at the optimal TikTok video length for different categories:

  • Trends and challenges 

New trends and challenges go viral on TikTok regularly. As a creator or business, you can leverage these trends and challenges to engage your target audience and grow your channel. 

The ideal length for trend-based and challenge videos is 10 to 20 seconds. This duration concisely delivers the trend or challenge and keeps the viewers entertained and engaged.

  • Educational 

If your content is educational or informational, you can optimize your video by keeping the length between 30 and 45 seconds. 

This video length gives you enough time to provide valuable information, whether you are teaching a skill or educating your audience about a niche. Your target should be viewers without overwhelming them with a lot of information.

  • Promotional

Whenever you promote a product or service, try to keep your video between 15 and 45 seconds. The length you choose should be based on the complexity of the product or service. You should highlight the key features of the product or service you are promoting.  

How Can TikTok Video Length Get You More Views?

The length of a TikTok video plays a crucial role in determining its view count due to several interrelated factors. These include attention spans, scrolling behaviors, user preferences, and viral potential.

  1. Attention Spans

TikTok users typically have short attention spans. Videos 15-30 seconds long are more likely to capture and maintain viewer interest from start to finish. This concise format ensures that the content is fully consumed, reducing the drop-off rate and increasing the likelihood of a full view.

  1. Scrolling Behaviors 

On TikTok, users habitually scroll through a large number of videos in a short amount of time. Shorter videos fit naturally into this fast and rapid consumption pattern. When users can quickly digest content, they are more likely to watch multiple videos from the same creator, which helps boost overall views.

  1. User Preference

Different users have different preferences, so you need to gauge the preferences of your target audience. A 15-30-second video can effectively deliver a punchline, showcase a skill, or present a quick tutorial. This aligns with the preferences of the TikTok audience, who favor quick bursts of entertainment or information over longer, drawn-out content.

  1. Viral Potential

Short videos are more likely to go viral due to their high shareability. Users are more inclined to share content that can be quickly consumed by their followers. The brief format also encourages viewers to watch the video multiple times, which rapidly increases the view count.

  1. Rewatchability

Videos that are concise and engaging tend to get rewatched. A 15 to 30-second video that delivers its message effectively invites viewers to replay it. Particularly if the video contains catchy music, a memorable moment, or an intriguing piece of information, its chance to be watched repeatedly increases.

How To Find The Best TikTok Video Length?

Determining the optimal length for your TikTok videos involves a combination of data analysis. It involves understanding your content type and audience and experimenting with various lengths. Let’s see how:

  1. Measure Engagement Metrics

Start by analyzing engagement metrics such as views, likes, comments, and shares on your existing videos. TikTok’s analytics tools can help you identify which video lengths correlate with higher engagement. 

Pay close attention to the average watch time and completion rate. Videos with higher completion rates indicate a suitable length that retains viewer interest.

  1. Analyze Your Content Type

Different types of content may perform better at different lengths. For example, quick tips or hacks might be most effective at 15-20 seconds, while storytelling or tutorials might benefit from slightly longer durations. 

Categorize your content and observe the performance trends for each type. This analysis can help you tailor video lengths to the specific content you’re creating.

  1. Understand Your Audience Preference

Your audience's preferences are crucial in determining the best TikTok video length. Conduct polls or surveys to gather direct feedback from your followers about their preferred video duration. 

Additionally, consider your audience's demographics as younger viewers might prefer shorter, snappier content, while an older audience might appreciate more in-depth videos.

  1. Track Content Duration Of Competitors

Observe the video lengths of successful competitors in your niche. Analyze the duration of their most popular videos and see if there are any common patterns. This can provide valuable insights into what works well within your specific niche or industry.

  1. Experiment With Different Video Lengths

Experimentation is key. Try creating videos of varying lengths and monitor their performance. Use a systematic approach by adjusting one variable at a time and tracking the results. Over time, you’ll be able to identify which video lengths resonate best with your audience.


If you have reached this far, you are now well-equipped with the information to optimize your TikTok video length to get more views per your goal. We hope this blog added value to your time by helping you get acquainted with the minute details of the ideal TikTok video length. Now, it’s time for you to go and apply it to your account. Do let us know how it works out for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Shorter TikTok Videos Get More Views?

Yes, shorter TikTok videos (15-30 seconds) often get more views. This is due to their higher rewatchability and alignment with users' short attention spans.

What is the Ideal Length for TikTok Videos in 2024?

The ideal length for TikTok videos in 2024 is 15-30 seconds. It helps to maximize engagement and views.

How Long Should a TikTok Video Be to Go Viral?

To go viral, TikTok videos should be 15-30 seconds long. This length is optimal for capturing attention and encouraging shares among users.

How Long Should TikTok Videos Be to Make Money?

To make money, TikTok videos should ideally be 20-30 seconds long. This helps you balance engagement and the ability to incorporate promotional content effectively.

How to Get 1000 Views on TikTok Fast?

Create engaging 15 to 30-second videos. Use trending sounds and hashtags, and post consistently to reach 1000 views quickly.

Samuel B. Gillham
Written By Samuel B. Gillham

As the digital age rapidly unfolds, Samuel B. Gillham remains a pivotal figure for many aspiring to grasp its depths. His insights, derived from a vast reservoir of experience, touch upon the fine balance of technological prowess and personal evolution. Samuel offers more than just tech expertise; he crafts narratives that inspire growth. His adeptness in seamlessly merging the realms of SEO, blog...

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