Why You Are Losing TikTok Followers And How to Fix It
  • author Written By Rebecca Adley
  • comments 0 comment
  • calander Publish Date : May 15, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 07, 2024
  • clock2 17 min read

Creating an impactful follower base on TikTok is a result of hard work and dedication. But what to do if you experience a consistent decline in your followers despite hard work?

The very first thing is to identify where your strategy is lacking and how you can resolve it. Now, worried about how to understand the reasons behind losing your followers on TikTok? Dont worry!

Here, we bring you a perfect blog explaining possible reasons why you are losing TikTok followers and how to fix it immediately. Also, get excellent tips to bring back your lost followers and amplify your TikTok journey.

Reasons Why You Are Losing TikTok Followers

Time to save your TikTok account from losing TikTok followers and learn how to get famous on tiktok to fix this problem. 

Here, we bring you a list of why you are losing your followers; find out your reason and fix them. Most possible reasons for losing TikTok followers are:

#1. Not Using TikTok Analysis

One finest issues that you are losing your followers is that you are not using TikTok Analysis. See how TikTok analysis can be a game-changer for you!

Do you own a TikTok business account? Not yet! Then own it now and avail access to TikTok Analyltics for free. 

Once you have created a TikTok business account, tap on your profile. Then go to the menu at the top right corner. Tap on ‘Creator Tools’ and select Analytics. If you are using a desktop, then you can directly go to the TikTok Analytics page.

How does TikTok Analysis help?

TikTok Analysis will help you in the following ways: 

  • It will show how many views your videos get and which is the best-performing video.
  • It allows you to track when most of your followers are online, and you can decide the best time to upload a post.
  • TikTok Analytics shares how your viewers found you.
  • It also helps determine what your viewers love the most in your content.

 #2. Not Keeping Up With TikTok Trends

Another reason is that you must participate in the latest trends and challenges. When you jump on the trends, these videos will likely make it into the users’ For You Page.

The issue is that you need to follow the trend immediately as these trends are moving at lightning speed, the trend is gone tomorrow. So, you must catch up soon to make the most of it.

To stop losing TikTok Followers, learn to do right with trends

Here is what you should do:

  • Jump on to the new trends quickly
  • Follow the trends that can be performed in your niche
  • Stop giving your time to outdated trends

#3. Not Posting Often Enough

Another reason that you are losing your TikTok followers is by not posting often. If you are not into posting regularly, your audience will lose interest.

Consider your type of content and then plan how many times you need to post for a great TikTok marketing strategy. You can also review your industry’s competitiveness for the same.

Here are some tips to make a habit of posting often.

Tips For Building a TikTok Audience

Here is what you need to do to gain TikTok followers flawlessly:

  • Try to post at least once a day
  • If you want to remain calm, then schedule your post so that there is no last-minute hassle.
  • Sometimes, plan to go live to interact with your audience and make your bond strong

#4. Niche-Hopping

If you do not stick to a particular niche and continuously change your content from one niche to another. Then, this may confuse your audience, and they may unfollow you.

Also, now you are interested in creating different types of content, then do not worry; it takes time for your followers to get in sync with your content. You can also create a new TikTok account for sharing your new passion.

Why is Niche-hopping bad?

Niche-hopping is terrible due to the following reasons:

  • It can confuse your followers
  • It can bring a sudden drop in your follower count
  • It may take time for your followers to process your content
  • It is possible that you may not get enough views and likes on all videos

#5. Posting Controversial Content

Stop dragging yourself into becoming part of controversies. So, avoid posting controversial content that may harm your followers’ feelings. If you are regularly into posting something controversial or about any political issue then you may lose followers.

Things to Consider Before Posting

Here is what you need to consider while posting a video on TikTok:

  • Always abide by TikTok guidelines
  • Make sure that your content is related to your niche
  • Avoid any content that can mislead the followers
  • Always post positive content that your audience loves

#6. Not Connecting With Your Audience

If you connect with your audience, you may retain your followers. As everyone loves to be valued same goes for your audience; as long as you connect and entertain them, they will be with you.

You can connect with them by engaging in the comment section, replying to their comments, organizing a live chat, and hosting a questions and answers session.

How to Connect with the Audience?

Here are the ways by which you can engage with your followers:

  • Always like the comments and reply to them 
  • Allow your followers to get to know you
  • Go live on TikTok 
  • Organize a question and answer session.

#7. Not making Viral Content

Do not underestimate the importance of virality. If you fail to make content that is not going viral, you may lose followers. Viral videos are your power to gain many followers for your TikTok account. 

Some followers will be with you even when your content is not going viral. But to bring more followers, work on your content.

How to make your videos go viral on TikTok?

Going viral is not like eating a cake but hard work that goes behind the scenes; follow the tips to make your videos go viral:

  • Start your videos with a captivating hook to keep them watching your videos
  • Always try to make shorter videos of about 15 seconds
  • Add trending music to your audio to make your videos go viral
  • Discover the perfect time to post by using TikTok analytics
  • Interact with your followers through commenting and sharing

#8. Not Engaging With Influencers

Another reason that you may lose followers is by not being in the community of your particular niche. Working with influencers will help you to develop a community and be a part of it. 

Benefits of engaging with influencers

Here is what engaging with influencers brings to you:

  • Your followers will respect you more, seeing your popularity in your niche
  • A golden opportunity to gain new followers
  • Learning something new with fellow influencers
  • Creating strong bonds with your audience

#9. Not Using The Right Hashtags

Though you are doing your best, still your content is not reaching the desired audience, and you are losing your followers. It may be possible that you are not using the right hashtags. Here is what you need to know.

How to master the art of using hashtags?

Learn to master the art of using hashtags in the following ways. For example,

  • Research what hashtags your competitors are using; they can be a bonus for you.
  • You can use trending hashtags but also incorporate less popular hashtags
  • Use different combinations of hashtags to bring some uniqueness.

#10. Algorithm Issues

Sometimes, it is not your fault. It may happen that you are losing your followers because there has been an algorithm update. 

In the algorithm updates, TikTok bans or deletes the account that they find fake. You can’t do much about this, and it recovers over time.

#11. You Are Shadowbanned

Shadowbanned is another reason that you may lose your followers. Shadowbanning silently limits the reach of a TikTok account without banning it. It restricts your posts from reaching the For You Page of your followers. 

Thus, this brings a drastic drop in comments, likes, and shares of your content. And gradually, you tend to lose followers.

Reasons Why You Are Shadowbanned?

The possible reasons for shadow banning are:

  • Violation of TikTok community guidelines
  • Posting inappropriate content
  • Repeated reports against the account
  • Using banned hashtags

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11 Fixes If You Are Losing Followers On TikTok

When you have worked so hard to build a successful TikTok account, then losing your followers at speed can seriously get on your nerves. Once you get hold of the reason for losing TikTok followers, look at the best fixes to save you RIGHT NOW!

#1. Stand by TikTok community guidelines

Every social media platform runs according to a particular set of community guidelines. These guidelines are meant for the safety and welfare of people who use the platform. So, initially, help yourself to learn about TikTok guidelines.

Read the guidelines thoroughly and see if you are violating any of them. Then craft content within the limits of TikTok guidelines and save your account from being shadowbanned. The idea is to reach your target audience within TikTok guidelines.

#2. Be consistent in uploading

It is essential to keep your audience busy with your content so that they never lose the charm in your profile and never unfollow you. You must understand your audience’s interests and work on creating content that they love. 

It is advisable to post at least 4-5 videos on TikTok regularly to get picked by TikTok’s algorithm. Thus, schedule your videos and post them regularly so people never lose track of your profile.

#3. Understand your Niche and work accordingly

Make your audience understand the particular niche you need to work on and craft content accordingly. The audience will never lose track once they get what they are seeking. 

Creating content around your niche is extremely important; it helps followers to relate your name to the niche. Design engaging content that appeals to your target audience with the best hashtags. This helps in retaining followers for a longer term.

#4. Build your community

Communication is of utmost importance when it comes to refraining your account from losing followers. If you want to level up your number of followers, then interact with your audience and make them feel valued and loved. 

Better relations with your followers will create a community that genuinely likes to be a part of your family. All you need to do is- like and respond to the comments of your followers, engage in question-answer sessions, go live occasionally, and finally engage them in knowing you more.

#5. Collaborate with Influencers

You can also attract followers by creating collaborating content with the influencers of your niche. Bring well-known people into your niche by organizing collaboration. 

Collaboration always helps in gaining exposure to the audience and lead to an increase in number of followers. Also, you will be able to attract a large audience that was not in your scope previously.

#6. Do cross-promotion

Another simplest method to fix the number of followers is cross-promoting. All you need to do is share your link on other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

It will help people to connect with you on TikTok. Also, whoever finds your content engaging will reach your TikTok account. Cross-promoting is best to keep people on other social media platforms to know more about you.

#7. Try TikTok Duet

Do not let people get bored of your content thus, bring variety by creating a TikTok Duet. Creating innovative and engaging content will fix the issue of losing TikTok followers.

Infact, you will also learn something good every time you work with someone else. Customize your content and make it more engaging to gain new followers and keep the old ones attached to you.

#8. Participate in trends and challenges

Bring an oomph effect to your TikTok video by participating in the latest trends and challenges. Participating will make your content reach a wider audience and bring some newness to your content. This will help to fix the issue of losing TikTok followers. 

Trends and challenges are loved by many; thus, you will get more chances to gain new followers. Try to do the trends your way and create the magic in them.

#9. Post at the right time

Your followers cannot see the content at a desirable time. So, posting the content at the right time is one of the best ways to keep your followers stuck on your TikTok account. Use analytics and see when most of your followers are active. 

It will give you an idea about the perfect time to post. Otherwise, your followers may not get track of the content you post as it will get lost due to massive traffic.

#10. Use Right Hashtags

Using correct hashtags is another way to resolve the issue of losing TikTok followers. Hashtags are the best source to find people interested in your niche. Using the correct type of hashtags is essential for your content to reach many. Do not add too many hashtags to your content, as this may look bad. 

Stick to the relevant hashtags that are according to your content. Add 4-5 hashtags and post your content consistently. 

#11. Understand TikTok analytics

When you use Tiktok analytics, it can help you gain more insights into what other users like about your video, what type of videos they like more, and other engagement-related metrics. 

Now, by understanding and using these insights, you can plan your content creation strategies to make the most out of TikTok and gain more followers organically.

Pro Tips: How To Grow Your TikTok Followers Again?

To grow your TikTok followers count again, it is important to use analytics insights to strategize your content creation plan. You not only need to work hard but to work brilliantly this time. 

Here are some ways in which you can grow your TikTok followers again:

  • The best thing you can do is to understand your audience and work on creating content accordingly. 
  • Always experiment and follow the latest trends and challenges to be in the limelight of TikTok. Also, be regular in posting. 
  • Bring newness to your content by working with influencers and bringing out the best in you.
  • Make the best use of relevant hashtags and use TikTok analytics to correct loopholes that are not making your content reach your target audience.
  • Cross-promote your TikTok content on other platforms to attract more followers.
  • You can also create content in a series and see how it works for you. Learn how to get verified on TikTok to enhance credibility and build trust in the followers.


Now that you know the various reasons behind losing your TikTok followers, work on fixing the issues. Follow practices that elevate your content and reach a wider audience, bringing you new followers. 

For a hassle-free solution, Thunderclap is the best place to buy TikTok followers to grow your account with genuine engagement.

Have a happy TikToking!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why I am losing TikTok Followers?

The common reasons why you are losing TikTok followers can be not using TikTok analytics, not participating in trends, or not engaging with the audience.

Is losing TikTok followers constantly a bad thing?

No, losing TikTok followers is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, you are not the reason for losing followers; in fact, there are some updates on the TikTok algorithm. TikTok removes the accounts that can be dangerous for you and are fake thus, you may be losing followers.

How do I get my followers back on TikTok?

Here are the following ways by which you can get your followers back: Use relevant hashtags to make your content reach a wider audience Choose a perfect posting time Make use of TikTok analytics Interact with your audience Work on collaborating with influencers

Why am I not getting any more followers on TikTok?

The most possible reason that you are not getting more followers on TikTok is you are not making trendy content. Or the content you are posting is not resonating well with your audience and people are not able to engage with it.

Is TikTok losing popularity?

No, TikTok is not losing popularity, but the crowd of users is distributed to various other platforms. TikTok is ever popular platform for amazing videos.

Can I buy TikTok Followers?

Yes, you can buy TikTok followers, but choose a legal and reputed platform to buy TikTok followers that bring real followers and organic growth to your account.

Do changes in the TikTok algorithm affect followers?

Yes, changes in the TikTok algorithm can affect followers. You may lose followers in the process as TikTok deletes the accounts that are fake or suspicious.

Which is the right time to post on TikTok to maximize follower engagement?

You can use TikTok analytics to find the right time to post on TikTok. Choose a time when most of your followers are active to maximize engagement.

Does following trends affect the number of followers on TikTok?

Yes, following the trends affects the number of followers. It leads to an increase in followers as your content reaches a wider audience. Thus bringing you new followers.

 Rebecca Adley
Written By Rebecca Adley

Meet Rebecca Adley, a name synonymous with social media mastery. Her journey began in the heart of a bustling digital marketing agency, where she delved deep into the intricacies of SEO, unraveling the mysteries of online visibility. Blogging soon became her canvas, where her words painted vivid pictures and spun compelling narratives. Entrepreneurs sought her out for her ability to infuse life in...

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