How to Find Your Mentions on Twitter
  • author Written By Samuel B. Gillham
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  • calander Publish Date : May 13, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 08, 2024
  • clock2 10 min read

As a brand or an individual, tracking your mentions is critical since it helps you determine what other Twitter users are talking about you. Through Twitter mentions, you can maintain a positive online reputation for yourself. 

Social media growth services can often provide tools and expertise to help you effectively track and analyze mentions.

Auditing the mentions will not only keep you aware of the bad press but will also help you understand what people love about your brand or influence. 

In this guide, we dig into the process of tracking your Twitter mentions and will learn more about Twitter mentions.

How To Track Your Twitter Mentions? 

There are two significantly different ways in which you can analyze and track the mention of your brand or your profile on Twitter. 

  1. Through the Twitter Analytics Dashboard. 
  2. Through Third-Party Tools. 

    #1. Track Mentions Using Twitter Analytics Dashboard

    Though there is no straightforward way of tracking your mentions through the Twitter analytics dashboard, the following are the steps that will help you. 

    1. Your web app will receive notifications about Twitter mentions. The notification section allows you to easily track them. Whenever someone mentions you using the “@username” method, you will receive a notification. 

    From your account settings, toggle on notifications for new messages, notifications, and DMs. 

    2. The advanced search on Twitter is a great way to track your Twitter mentions done through hashtags, usernames, and also keywords. Using this method, you can track the mentions of your competitors as well. 

    Using the advanced search option on Twitter is easy. 

    • Enter the keyword you want to search for in the search bar of the Twitter platform. 
    • You will get a search result page. On the upper-right corner of that page, you will get search filters; from there, choose the ‘Advanced Search’ option.
    • You will get a pop-up window where you can configure your search preferences. 

    The advanced search option on Twitter offers different filters for the users to get precise results. Moreover, if you try to search for brand mentions manually, the task is tedious. The advanced search feature is an excellent alternative for everyone. 

    #2. Using Third-Party Tools To Track Twitter Mentions

    You will find a lot of third-party tools available on the internet, developed specifically to make managing social media mentions easy. They allow you to monitor multiple accounts and keep you at the top. 

    Such tools allow monitoring and tracking of all conversations happening about your brand, hashtags, mentions, and more in real-time. You also get access to detailed insights and performance metrics. 

    Why Track Twitter Mentions? 

    Tracking Twitter mentions can help you effectively measure your brand’s presence on the platform. Mentions are a way of starting a conversation with a brand or individual on the network. 

    Evolve24 and Maritz did a study where they concluded that customers appreciate a company responding when they complain about something through mentioning. The same study revealed another facet, which was that, unfortunately, not all of the brands or influencers responded to their customers’ complaints. 

    It clearly depicts that there is a gap between what social media platforms offer and how businesses are using it. To do well on Twitter, as a brand or a public figure, you should engage with your fans. It will not only help you stay at the forefront but will also result in developing a more extensive audience pool. 

    Tracking and monitoring your brand mentions can make all of these possible. It will also help you gain more happy and loyal customers. 

    3 Different Ways Of Using Twitter Mentions

    On Twitter, there are three ways in which other users can mention your Twitter profile in their posts or comments. 

    1. Brand Mentions: This type of mention is when some user mentions your brand in their Tweet. The generic brand mention is not a link; it is commenting on your company. 

    The platform views it as standard text, so you will not receive a notification on your profile. 

    1. @Username: When you hear phrases like “Twitter Mentions,” this is the type of mention they refer to. You will receive a notification when other users mention your profile using @ followed by your username or Twitter handle. 
    2. Hashtags: Mentioning brands with hashtags is another popular way of being used. Brands generally use a particular hashtag highly related to their brand name, and others also use it when mentioning yours. 

    Again, you will not receive a notification when there is a mention through a hashtag. When there are mentions using hashtags, tracking becomes a bit tricky. 

    Using Twitter Mentions To Your Advantage

    Analysing Twitter mentions will help you take its advantage, measure its impact and also look for ways to improve your brand engagement. Know how it can help your brand achieve goals quickly and become famous. 

    1. Identify Partners And Influencers

    People trust the opinions of the influencers they follow. Identifying the right influencers who can work on your niche is one of the best ways of enhancing your brand’s online visibility. Brand mentions will help you quickly locate influencers who are already talking about your brand. 

    This way, you can partner with them to promote your brand more to potential customers. Using hashtags and keywords in analytics makes finding influential people easy. 

    2. Get Better Insights On Brand Reputation

    Building a brand reputation takes a lot of dedication and hard work through several years. Now, getting trolled on the platform is not bad, but managing it right is the key. If you are not at the top with your brand mentions, the negative Tweet can get escalated quickly. 

    Monitor your mentions very often, and watch for crises. Ensure to respond to the positive or negative tweets to avoid escalations. 

    3. Measure Twitter Campaigns’ Impact

    The platform’s mention analytics will help your brand measure the success of an event, enhance future campaigns, and determine errors. Monitoring mentions frequently will help you understand how your strategies are working and make any required adjustments. 

    To determine the impact of your campaign, use a specific hashtag and track how it performed. It will help you strategize better to make it perform beyond expectations. 

    Importance Of Tracking Twitter Mentions

    It is a well-known fact that customers use Twitter as a tool for customer service. Among all the leading social media platforms, it is the top choice of customers when it comes to sharing their experience with a brand. 

    Customers frequently Tweet when they have an issue with the brand. Hence, the conversation between the two parties gets tense on the network. Moreover, most brands maintain a Twitter account to handle customer queries and complaints. 

    The platform offers much more than this, though. 

    • It will help build solid relations with your customers, which is undoubtedly very important for all brands. Perhaps most of the companies don’t realize the importance of using Twitter for their brand. 
    • You can leverage the network to make your customers feel special and heard. Even a tiny ‘like’ reaction to the mention of your brand can make someone happy. 
    • Addressing the mentions made by customers helps them feel valued. 
    • Twitter mentions will help you avoid any problem and save your brand’s reputation. 

    Common Mistakes To Avoid With Twitter Mentions

    Now that we have covered the concept of Twitter mentions thoroughly, there are a few additional things you should know. As a brand or influencer, you should be aware that people usually make minor mistakes with Twitter mentions.

    Mentions are a simple concept,  but then it is one of the most common facets that can get messed up. Let us go through the common mistakes. 

    1. Only Tracking @ Mentions

    Brands often make the mistake of only tracking brand mentions made using @username. As we mentioned earlier, brand mentions are made in different ways, and not everyone will mention your brand using @. 

    Be vigilant about tracking all tweets about your brand through hashtags and keywords, too. 

    2. Miss Tracking Misspellings

    Spell check doesn’t support the errors people make on Twitter handles. That said, if someone is trying to tag your brand but uses an incorrect spelling, the platform will not correct it. 

    Hence, you should also track the common misspellings of your brand to see if you are mentioned. 

    3. Tracking Mentions Sporadically

    Other brands usually track their mentions in real time. Hence, you cannot wait for a couple of days to reply to a tweet that was done for you. You should check your brand mentions throughout the day and stay on your toes to post a reply. 

    This way, your customers will not feel ignored, and you can address complaints quickly. 

    4. Not Replying To Mentions

    When you see you have mentions about your brand, you must respond. You can post a reply to someone else’s Tweet, acknowledging that their mention has been addressed. Earlier, subsequent tweets were used to chain up with the initial mention as a thread. 

    The platform has changed the way replies work on Twitter. You cannot use the @username in your replies; however, the user will still be notified that they have a response to the Tweet. 

    Tips To Increase Your Brand’s Twitter Mentions

    Twitter mentions about your brand can also help increase your brand awareness and its social media presence. If you want to increase your brand mentions, we share a few tips. 

    1. Use Dedicated Hashtags

    Hashtags are the most significant for Twitter as compared to any other social media platform. They make users to find content about something on the network. You can encourage your followers and customers to use the same hashtag as you use and enhance the overall visibility. 

    2. Engage In Trending Conversations

    Engaging in already trending conversations is one of the best ways of increasing mentions for your brand. Identify the latest and trending conversations going on related to your business niche and engage. 

    While doing so, you can also encourage other users to engage with your brand and its tweets. It will help increase your brand’s presence and engagement. 

    3. Engage With Your Followers

    Besides consistently posting on the platform, you should engage with your followers regularly. If you engage with your followers’ tweets, they will also mention your brand in their posts and replies, thereby increasing their mentions. 

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    The Bottom Line

    Tracking and analyzing Twitter mentions is an important facet. It not only helps understand your brand’s online reputation but will also make your customers satisfied that they are being heard. 

    Take control of the conversations that contain tour brand mentions, and never miss out on opportunities to interact with your current and target audience. 

    Tracking and monitoring your brand mentions is critical to your brand’s image and also the overall performance. By investing in you can enhance these efforts significantly and ensure your brand maintains a positive presence online.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to find a tweet I was mentioned in?

    Finding a tweet that you are mentioned in is very just follow these simple steps: Go to in your web browser Log in with your account Open your notification tab Click on the Notifications from the top bar Navigate to "Mentions"

    Is there a tracker in-built on Twitter?

    No, Twitter doesn’t have a tracker tool in-built on the platform. However, to track all your mentions, you can simply search for the hashtag or keyword you think people can use to tag your business and see the results. Mentions done using your Twitter username will all come under the Notifications section of your account.

    Are Twitter mentions public?

    If your posts are protected on the platform, others cannot see them. Not even the replies you do on them will be visible to people who don't follow you. You will have to unprotect your posts to make the mentions and replies publicly visible to all.

    How to find old tweets with mentions?

    By clicking on “Tweets,” you will find all your Twitter historical data in reverse order. A search box and filters will be on the right of the page to help you narrow your search. You can also use the tabs across the tops to track past retweets and mentions.

    Is there a way to track hashtags?

    Yes, you can easily track the use of hashtags and statistics related to it on the platform itself. On the search bar, you just need to type the hashtag you want to get insights into, and you'll get data related to it. For instance, you can see the posts done using the hashtags, the number of people following it, and more.

    Samuel B. Gillham
    Written By Samuel B. Gillham

    As the digital age rapidly unfolds, Samuel B. Gillham remains a pivotal figure for many aspiring to grasp its depths. His insights, derived from a vast reservoir of experience, touch upon the fine balance of technological prowess and personal evolution. Samuel offers more than just tech expertise; he crafts narratives that inspire growth. His adeptness in seamlessly merging the realms of SEO, blog...

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