Guide To Create User Generated Content on TikTok
  • author Written By Samuel B. Gillham
  • comments 0 comment
  • calander Publish Date : June 24, 2024
  • calander Last Update : September 15, 2024
  • clock2 21 min read

User Generated Content creation! What's this new trend in social media marketing and how is every creator and brand embracing it? We’ll help you know that!

Both brands and creators are generously participating in UGC content creation. While brands have been able to close high response UGC campaigns, creators are finding a new way to establish themselves on TikTok through quality content creation. 

In fact, combining UGC content marketing with TikTok growth services can provide a powerful boost to both brand visibility and creator influence. By leveraging UGC effectively, brands and creators can forge successful collaborations and drive engagement.

This guide shall answer all the queries related to UGC content. 

Let's dive in!

What Is UGC Content On TikTok, And Who Should Embrace It?

User-generated content or UGC content is original and brand-specific content that customers create and publish on social media and other such digital channels. UGC comes in multiple forms including videos, stock images, reviews, testimonials, and even podcasts.

UGC on TikTok are content pieces crafted by creators and customers featuring brands. UGC on TikTok are short videos, that help pave righteous growth for both parties. What makes UGC different from TikTok is the availability of multiple features that make it easy to produce good quality UGC content like the duet and stitch feature!

A UGC content creator does not need a huge audience, and brands can get vivid marketing done ensuring quality improvised content creation for products and services.

Where Does UGC Content Come From?

You must be wondering who devised the concept of UGC content creation and what are its actual grounds! Find your answers below:

1. Customers

Why not plan to get UGC content from your customers? After all, who is the most excited person in the room about new products? Why not let your customer do the marketing for your brand. Customers are the basis on which the whole concept of UGC stands! It is the user generating content for them.

2. Brand Loyalists

Call them fans, users, brand advocates, or someone who has been considering repurchases all the time. Brand loyalists who’ve stood by the brand love to preach the products. Hence, this segment is quite a good one to ask for user-generated content.

3. Employees

There’s also something called (Employee Generated Content). Think of real content like employees fulfilling orders, packing them, and all the Behind The Shorts activating that goes into product marketing and order fulfillment.  Such types of content build brand identity and favor authentic public relations.

4. UGC Creators

UGC creators on TikTok will also help you with sponsored content that looks and feels real. The contemporary UGC is mostly about paid content that breaks the concept of traditional UGC. 

Why Is Mastering UGC On TikTok Important?

User Generated Content has an immense role to play in all stages of the buyer's journey to influence, engage, and increase conversions. Customer-centric content is everywhere in the form of landing pages, email, and checkout pages. 

Hence, all brand owners do a favor to the brand when they leverage the platform to produce more user-generated content. Here are ways in which UGC content caters to TikTok marketing.

1. Establish Brand Loyalty & Grow Your Community

UGC on TikTok can be emotionally connected with the audience and is found to encode emotions 22% higher than influencer-generated videos! In such scenarios, establishing brand loyalty, and growing the community with a loyal fanbase becomes achievable. 

2. Act As Trust Signal

Another significant data proving the credibility of UGC content is that 80% of customers consider UGC an important factor when purchasing a product. Thus, customers find it easy to trust UGC creators and establish trustworthiness amongst the growing customer base. 

3. Increase Conversions

One of the biggest reasons why it is easy to trust UGC creators is because they are also included in the list of customers, and it is easy to believe in them. A customer after listening positively about another customer is compelled to try the products from the given brand, thereby, increasing conversions.

4. Influences Purchasing Decision 

You would agree that a customer making remarks about a product is more convincing than another brand doing so! The concept of UGC is that customers become brand ambassadors. Hence, it positively influences purchasing decisions.

5. Cost-Effective Way Of Marketing

UGC content is not expensive. You can choose to devise a campaign with influencers having a moderate follower count and then disperse the products in exchange for content. It is called barter collaboration and does not cost anything.

6. Work In Harmony With TikTok Algorithm

UGC is the new social media trend, and the TikTok algorithm is promoting it quite well. Hence, the best decision is to participate in the trend and get going positively with the algorithm. When you create content as per the latest trends, your content will envision a better reach and gather higher influence. 

How To Create A UGC Campaign On TikTok?

Have you been planning to start a UGC campaign on TikTok but don't know where to start? Here's a step-wise guide to allow you to get started with a high-performing UGC campaign on TikTok!

#1. Know Your Audience

The first step is to understand and configure your audience base where you will market your products through UGC creators. Having an idea about your audience type and size will allow you to pick and find creators suitable to make content for your product.

#2. Be Clear About Your Goals

Have a goal in mind before starting a campaign. This means that you must know what is the one aspect or one SKU you are ideating to promote through a particular UGC campaign. It will help you streamline the process.

#3. Choose A UGC Method You Will Use

There are multiple methods to start a UGC campaign. You can do it via hashtags, duets, challenges, and more. You need to study various methods and find which one you would like to pick and take ahead. 

Note: You will find a brief guide on types of UGC content below.

#4. Come Up With A Branded Hashtag

For one campaign, you need to devise one hashtag that all creators would follow. It will enable you to sync the campaign into one and continue the thread! The hashtag can be based on the USP or something around it.

#5. Collaborate With TikTok Creators

The next step is to collaborate with TikTok creators. You can reach out to them for barter collaborations or paid ones depending on the quality of content. You can also find an agency when the number is huge.

#6. Repurpose The User-Generated Content

Repurposing UGC content is all about showcasing content created by others. The process is about curating an authentic and immersive experience that reflects the brand's values, personality, and identity. It helps tap into the audience's creative space.

5 Types Of UGC Content On TikTok

User-generated content comes in multiple styles and formats that help you select the best fit for your brand including Images, Videos, Social media content, Testimonials, Product reviews, Live streams, Blog posts, and YouTube content.

Using the given styles and formats, you can work on several types of UGC content as mentioned below!

Type 1: Before & After

Before and after videos on TikTok have been doing really well. You can show the original version and then add one after using the brand's product usage. While this idea can be implemented for all, personal care and makeup brands make it look better.

Type 2: Reactions

Users can make a simple reaction video on TikTok where they react to the brand's protocols, claims, celebrity usage, and impacts. It is simple, yet interesting to watch. Doctors and experts are making more reaction videos on TikTok.

Type 3: 3 Reasons Why

This is the simplest. Take the product and revise your version of '3 reasons why’ in your TikTok video. Mind it, it can be positive as well as negative. While this is a user-generated idea, brands can use the concept for UGC campaigns. 

Type 4: Us vs. Them

Go with a comparison content concept where creators pick the brand they like or are endorsing and compare it with a similar product from another brand in their videos on TikTok. The comparison can be based on price, results, and a lot more.

Type 5: How To

This one is a basic TikTok video idea! Show how to use a product for best results. It is mostly a usage guide that people need to see. You can have a clickbait title like 'You Have Been Doing It Wrong' to make it more click worthy. 

5 Proven Ways To Get User-Generated Content On TikTok

Devising a concept for UGC content is a task you need to master. Once you have mastered this, aligning successful campaigns ahead becomes an easy job. To help you strategize and ideate a concept for the first time, here is a list of ideas:

#1. Hashtag Campaigns

The purpose of Hashtag campaigns is to create awareness and buzz about featured products. It encourages customers to create content with a given hashtag, and that succeeds a hashtag UGC campaign.

For example- he K18 hashtag campaign led to 500 million views about the product through UGC creators.  

#2. Giveaways

Brand giveaways are known to accumulate the maximum traction, love from the audience, and limelight. You would have to incentivize customers and that's all the motivation they need. TikTok is an amazing platform to make your giveaway go viral!

To run a giveaway, you would require:

  • A winning prize

  • Clear instructions about the giveaway rules

  • Contest runtime

  • Audience invitation 

  • Winner announcement

#3. Duets

The Duet feature on TikTok allows active users to produce new content with existing content to get UGC. You have the chance to create an engaging post and then ask your audience to get creative by producing their version of the content.

For example- Puma started a duet UGC campaign where in the duet, a Barista was seen making a cup of coffee with Puma's logo. However, it was an epic fail. Puma further invited people to recreate the video.

#4. Challenges

TikTok Challenges is very similar to the hashtag campaign. It gets TikTok users to interact with products in content which then leads to a humongous supply of UGC for the page. People who enjoy branded products are always happy to do a challenge.

For example- The 'eyesfacelips' challenge by e.l.f cosmetics is a good-to-know example. The challenge was to show the best makeup look for $250. The total view count is more than 9.6 billion, incurring a massive UGC supply.

#5. Content Creators & Influencers

TikTok creators' collaboration with influencers is another great way to start and drive UGC campaigns. Influencers have a loyal fanbase and know how to create audience-loving videos. A partnership like that improves the brand's trust and creditworthiness.

As per reports, it is suggested that 80% of customers rely on customers for purchasing decisions. However, you must know that the creators you are working with are the right match for your brand.

Benefits Of Creating UGC For Creators & Brands On TikTok

The way UGC content is becoming popular guarantees a lucid set of benefits for creators and brands. Lately, UGC content is becoming more popular in comparison to influencer marketing. There’s a sharp spike in the UGC creators list, which means it is easier and more beneficial than influencer pitches. 

Similarly, Brand accounts have been acting very positively towards UGC creators on TikTok. There are so many brands that have already closed successful UGC campaigns and many others are open to collaborating with UGC creators.

Let's find a few basic advantages of UGC content for creators & Brands!

#1. Easy Opportunity

UGC creators do not need a huge fanbase to start earning money. The creator's job is to create good quality content for brands and business pages and earn. The opportunity is fresh in the market, and barter collaborations are way too easy.

#2. Chance To Build A Portfolio

UGC creators can start their content journey with barter deals and create good quality content for brands. It will build up an interesting portfolio for creators paving the way for paid collaborations in the future.

#3. Successful Barter Collabs

Receiving a PR package every day is no less than a dream come true! With UGC creation, you can quickly start getting barter collaborations without having to build a huge fanbase. You can start getting free products right after one month of UGC creation.

#4. An Extra Source Of Revenue

If you are a student, professional or anyone already engaged in full-time or part-time jobs, UGC can be a great side hustle, enabling you to earn a decent extra income. While creating content is fun, you can also earn from it.

#5. Better Reach

UGC campaigns happen in bulk. Brands collaborate with thousands of UGC creators for one campaign with an optimum budget. Such a practice helps them reach widely amongst the social media audience and enable expanded reach!

#6. Voluminous Marketing

With a tight budget, brands can reach out to the bulk audience. UGC creators are not as expensive as influencers. Hence, a brand can run a decent UGC campaign in the budget of collaborating with one famous influencer leading the way to voluminous marketing.

#7. Building Brand Relationship

UGC drives brand-audience relationships. For example - when a brand is getting one product endorsed by 500 TikTok creators who are then connecting with 100 more people (at least), the brand builds a good relationship with the audience.

#8. Quality Content For Products

The job of an influencer is to influence, but the job of a content creator is to create content. Hence, brands can get good quality content from UGC creators. There might be a few failed ones, but most of them would be positive.

How To Contact Brands For UGC Content Creation?

Want to start creating UGC but don't know where to start? It's easy. Create a TikTok account and start making content. For example, if you are selecting the lifestyle, fashion, and beauty niche, start making videos on products you already have.

Once you have built a good portfolio, you can start sending DMs to brands for collaborations. You can also find websites open to UGC creators and help them get barter collabs (and paid also). Start fresh and build it up.

How To Contact And Source UGC For Brands?

Do you have a brand page on TikTok that you are looking to grow through UGC creation? There are multiple methods to do it! If you have an in-house team, you can shortlist creators and deal with them. Depending upon the content quality, you can fix a barter or paid deal. Further, you can also reach out to agencies who master UGC collaborations and help you collaborate with bulk creators at one time.

Examples Of Creators Using UGC On TikTok

Take a look at a few UGC creators campaign on TikTok:

  • Chipotle’s #GuacDance Challenge

  • Crocs’ #ThousandDollarCrocs Contest

  • e.l.f. Cosmetics’ #EyesLipsFace Campaign

  • L’Oréal Paris’ #WorthSaying Campaign

  • NBA’s #WholeNewGame Challenge

Examples Of Brands Using UGC Content On TikTok

So many brands are already trying their hands in the world of UGC content. Some of them include:

  • Chubbies | @chubbiesshorts

  • GoPro | @gopro

  • JVN Hair |  @jvnhair

  • NoGood |

  • Jones Road Beauty | @jonesroadbeauty

  • SKIMS | @skims

Right Way To Share UGC On Any Social Network

There are certain boundaries everyone needs to adhere to when it comes to UGC content creation. Following rules not only helps successful campaign collaborations but also enables thriving work notes, for both, creators as well as brands.

Here is the right way to work on UGC for all social media platforms!

#1. Get Permission From Users Before Reposting

If you find a user posting about your product, you need to seek permission from the creator before using the content. In most cases, creators don't say a 'NO.' However, your job is to ask for permission and then use the content on your social media portal!

#2. Be Clear About UGC Usage

You must have a clear clause about the content usage in the UGC contract or agreement. Be lucid about platforms where the content would be published and with the desired intention. It shall help avoid reasons for cliffs with creators in the future.

#3. Give Credit To The Creators Of UGC

Never post UGC content without credits. The whole concept of User-generated content is that both parties benefit the maximum. Hence, give a shoutout for barter as well as paid UGC collaborations. It will establish good relations for future references. 

Conclusion - Get Started And Grow With UGC On TikTok!

UGC is the newest concept in the social media world and something that is predicted to do exceptionally well in the coming months. Whether you are a creator or a brand, a generated Content idea is a must-try!

The beauty of UGC lies in its cost-effectiveness and minimal time investment. Brands can collaborate with UGC creators through platforms like to launch impactful campaigns on a budget. Creators, too, can leverage UGC as a side hustle, creating engaging content and earning income in the process.

If you are still wondering, cease there. It's time to get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of UGC in TikTok?

UGC in TikTok stands for User-generated content, which means a content creator or customer making TikTok videos for brands. It includes talking about the product, ways to use it, or just a nominal review.

Why is UGC content Trending on TikTok?

UGC content is the latest buzz of the town, helping brands get good content in mass while enabling creators to explore well-drawn content on TikTok.

Who are UGC creators?

UGC creators are social media users who make content for brands. UGC content is of many types including product usage, an explanation to people about ways to use a product, and product reviews.

How do I improve content creation on TikTok?

Improving content creation on TikTok is as easy as, emphasizing on quality, keeping it simple and real, using clean fonts and visual elements, and staying consistent.

Does UGC content help in enhancing engagement on my TikTok profile?

Yes, as a UGC creator, you can see notable differences when you start making videos for brands. More people would eye for your videos to get a vivid understanding of the brand and the product.

How do I maximize my TikTok UGC strategy?

Work with consistency and focus on the quality of the content. When you keep doing these two things, you will be able to master UGC content on TikTok!

Samuel B. Gillham
Written By Samuel B. Gillham

As the digital age rapidly unfolds, Samuel B. Gillham remains a pivotal figure for many aspiring to grasp its depths. His insights, derived from a vast reservoir of experience, touch upon the fine balance of technological prowess and personal evolution. Samuel offers more than just tech expertise; he crafts narratives that inspire growth. His adeptness in seamlessly merging the realms of SEO, blog...

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